:laughabove: :laughabove:
>>>is concerned about the 6 egg whites thing
pregnant possibly, definately not consitpated!
what happens to the yolks????? :sticky:
Quote by johneboy
although its more like dinner time ive just had 4 weetabix and 6 boiled egg whites on 4 slices of brown toast.
Quote by sexyjo
although its more like dinner time ive just had 4 weetabix and 6 boiled egg whites on 4 slices of brown toast.
Quote by devondelight
Well I have been very naughty today and eaten 2 .. yes 2 fruit scones with butter on them for breakfast, washed down with copious amounts of tea .... even my cat was disgusted with me for eating such an unhealthy diet and went and sat in the corner and sulked cause there was no milk soaked in muesli for her today ops: :oops:
Quote by equi-princess
Nothing better than toast and marmite whilst racing down the motorway......... lol
equi-princess xxx