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Brill Rag Mag/ Dirty Joke book!

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Warming the Bed
Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a brill book just out. It's being sold in aid of:
'Operational Casualties Fund' which is part of help for heroes. All the money raised goes to the fund, to help those poor lads with limbs blown off. It is a registered charity.

If you like it, please pass the link on to all in your address book. Thanks to S.H. for allowing a post.
P.S. I've seen it! Its about 100 pages, some of the jokes are killer naughty!
(Maybe a good gift/ stocking filler? lol )
Thanks for that link Pegs.
Our Son is in the household cavalry, so shall definatly be making a purchase.
All in a very good cause for the elite regiment in the Britsih Army. wink
Quote by kentswingers777
All in a very good cause for the elite regiment in the Britsih Army. wink

Is it not the RHA who are right of the line?
See Davey your humour dips as the evenings draw in. lol
Most parents would see the regiment their children are in as the elite may well not be but even the soldiers thing their own regiments are the best.
This is very interesting though.
Ahhhh but humour doesn't come into it when it comes to fact.
You highlighted elite and this could have so many meanings. If you just meant that the parent feels that whatever regiment their child is in was the elite regiment then that would be correct as that is their need to think they are.
A bit like a parent who told me their son was in the best regiment because his son served in ACE. He took ACE to mean "the regiment is ACE" as in number one. Unfortunately he did not realise the militarys love of acronyms and this stood for Allied Command Europe. An easy mistake to make.
Now the military have a strict pecking order. In services it is the Navy that is the oldest service, then the army and last, the youngest service, the RAF.
When it comes to the Army. Then the Artillery are always the senior Regiment and hold the pride of place on the right of the line, then the Cavalry and lastly the Infantry. The Regiment that holds the right is one of the Royal Horse Artillery Regiments, but I do not know which number contains the Kings Troop.........they may even be an independant Battery dunno
How do I know this? I had the history told to me by a Regimental Sergeant Major of the Royal Horse Artillery who had just caught me having a fag while sitting on the deployed gun of a FH70 155mm. Unbeknown to me, at 19 years of age, the deployed gun becomes the Regiments Colour. The dishonour that I had just shown his Regiment was tantamount to pissing on the lowered Colours of any infantry battalion. He explained all this to me in the way that only a RSM screaming at me with the full fury of a hurricane that would have the highest wind factor applied to it. My ears took a whole day to recover and I had the honour of guarding his camp for 2 months with a day on guard and a day off guard, plus having to fit in my normal duties inbetween. As you can guess.......I never forgot that lesson lol
I bet you will never forget that one Davey lol
Of course each parent will deem their childs regiment to be the elite, because their child is in it.
Each soldier holds that view with regards to their own regiment, purely a matter of personnel opinion.
I should have obviously clarified myself a bit better.
But if honest you know what I meant ya argumentative git. :lol:
Elite regiments came home to me while stood on Pointe Du Hoc a couple of weeks ago and explaining to my brother-in-law the different teeth arm troops and echelon troops.
He said one sentance that made me think and agree with him.
He said "So no other regiment can do their task without the help of all the others".
Some can argue that the Paras can do it because they are self sufficient. My argument is that they cannot even get to their objective without the help of a completely different service.
If we look at elite infantry then I would say they are all the same, they just arrive at the objective by different means. I.e. Paras-parachute, Marines-landing craft or boats, Mechanised-APCs, Motorised-Truck and some by good old walking. They do exactly the same job and most regiments have the same number of battle honours. To argue anything else is, IMO, a personal opinion and ones own loyalties.
My loyalties are to my Corps and, for some strange reason, The Royal Irish Rangers as I served with them before the amalgamation.
Quote by Dave__Notts
How do I know this? I had the history told to me by a Regimental Sergeant Major of the Royal Horse Artillery who had just caught me having a fag while sitting on the deployed gun of a FH70 155mm. Unbeknown to me, at 19 years of age, the deployed gun becomes the Regiments Colour. The dishonour that I had just shown his Regiment was tantamount to pissing on the lowered Colours of any infantry battalion. He explained all this to me in the way that only a RSM screaming at me with the full fury of a hurricane that would have the highest wind factor applied to it. My ears took a whole day to recover and I had the honour of guarding his camp for 2 months with a day on guard and a day off guard, plus having to fit in my normal duties inbetween. As you can guess.......I never forgot that lesson lol

To an outsider that is one thing that is wrong with the military. The inability to pass on any information without screaming at each other. I've never got it - in a face to face situation without guns going off all over the place, what's wrong with just communicating? I can't see that anyone can remember information any better at a higher volume. dunno Add to that 2 months of punishment for not knowing something - positively Dickensian. Wierd - very wierd.
(Maybe someone should have told you about the gun thing? Was there other, life saving stuff, they didn't think important to tell you?)
Quote by foxylady2209
To an outsider that is one thing that is wrong with the military. The inability to pass on any information without screaming at each other. I've never got it - in a face to face situation without guns going off all over the place, what's wrong with just communicating? I can't see that anyone can remember information any better at a higher volume. dunno Add to that 2 months of punishment for not knowing something - positively Dickensian. Wierd - very wierd.
(Maybe someone should have told you about the gun thing? Was there other, life saving stuff, they didn't think important to tell you?)

It wasn't passing on information...........he was ripping me a new arsehole for being a nincompoop. I knew I wasn't supposed to smoke on any vehicle or equipment. He just caught me.
2 months? That wasn't so bad. I had a few worse punishments for doing things that I shouldn't have.
It is a strange system to outsiders where punishment is usually draconian and local based. However, a local punishment is not on your record. So when I left after 10 years I had a spotless record for civilian life, as I took the punishment on the chin and learnt by it. All these punishments are for misdemeaners and not "illegal" activities.
Were they effective......I got out alive and in one piece and my actions never caused the death of any other fellow soldier, so I would say they were effective for me. Would any other way work? It could but I don't know if sitting down and discussing somethings would be as effective in building someone up to do something that their body and mind really do not want to do.........and without question. Looking back at some of the things that happened to me I really do think why the feck I done them. It goes totally against my present feelings of cowardice.
Well, I'm glad someone does it - cos it would take a really big thing for me to a) take that kind of crap from someone I work for and b) risk my life for anyone other than my immediate family. biggrin
I'll bake - you can shoot :D
Quote by foxylady2209
Well, I'm glad someone does it - cos it would take a really big thing for me to a) take that kind of crap from someone I work for and b) risk my life for anyone other than my immediate family. biggrin
I'll bake - you can shoot :D

I am a born again coward, so budge over and pass me the bowl. I'll whisk lol
There are brave men and women out there. I ain't one of them.
Quote by foxylady2209
Well, I'm glad someone does it - cos it would take a really big thing for me to a) take that kind of crap from someone I work for

I think a lot of its ingrained from day 1 when your training NCO's get hold of you SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT lol....
Warming the Bed
SO has anyone else actually got one?... besides me? lol
Quote by Pegasus-
SO has anyone else actually got one?... besides me? lol

No I haven't but I do donate to the ABV direct and to my Corps (which does feed into the ABV at Corps and Regimental levels). On top of that I donate to the RBL as and when I can and support them in other ways.
Hope you enjoyed the mag :lol: