Just want to say many thanks to sommers for organising last night, we had a fab night and can`t wait till the next one .
Thanks to stuart_tania for the fab music and karaoke (sp?).
Quote by Stuart_Tanina
Right, it’s about time that we put in some proper thoughts
Well done, Mr & Mrs Somers, for your hard work, and organisation, and for finding such a brilliant venue!!
And on to the singers :lol:
Mr_D eventually started things off, with his version of This Corrosion by the Sisters of Mercy. I like your way of thinking – pick a song that no-one knows, and no-one knows if it was done well or not! :shock: But This Town Ain’t Big Enough, and Cha Cha Slide – much better known :lol:
Cat62 did a good version of Meatloaf’s 2 out of 3 – shame it wasn’t 3 out of 3 :lol:
And for anyone that missed it, Casey and Sexy Toni did Valerie on stage. Well worth watching!
Gra was one of the regulars – White Wedding, Paradise by the Dashboard Light (with HotTart), along with a couple of group sessions :lol: Oi!! I meant singing! Considering that Leanne didn’t want to sing, your version of Angels was quite listenable to!
On to Mr Lost. His version of Rainbow’s Since You’ve Been Gone worked very well! This was then followed by Cecilia! What an unexpected choice of song! But this worked well too! :lol:
Malcolm gave us Let’s Dance, and Hey Jude, and both nicely done. Lyns did a couple of duets – I will Survive with Wendy, and I hope that I didn’t put you off to much when I did the Meatloaf part of paradise! :lol: We must get our TV monitor checked out – we’re sure that the words that Riz was singing to ‘Yesterday’ weren’t the ones that should have been on the screen! But at least people could sing along to It’s Not Unusual :lol: Having never heard anyone attempt Together Again by Janet Jackson, Mrs Oxcple gave a good performance – hopefully we can see you perform again ;) :lol: And, of course, we can’t forget Van with his Suspicious Minds and Avenues and Alleyways – both well done. And HotTart (helped by Tanina) told us it was oh so quiet. WAS IT HECK!! :lol:
Apologies for those who didn’t get a chance to sing – put your tickets in earlier! Don’t wait till the last hour to start looking through the books :shock: :lol:
But, hopefully, we’ll be at the next one – if you’ll have us :lol: