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Buddhism ..Really ?

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This has confused me....what you saying in basic language that this lady can understand please???
Religion it!!!!!
I know when at school in the sixth form..each one of us had to say our religous beliefs in this one class. I said I didn't believe in god or the devil but did believe in the power of good and bad. Now I was told this was closest to Buddhism...since that date I looked and read a little about it. also been over to Thailand more than a few times where chated to a few monks and have a little of an insight.
Buddha is not a God...but is actually a state of mind!! they believe we are re-incarnated and so, what we do now has a bearing on out next life. they believe in treating others, how you would expect to be treated yourself. they do not believe in killing anything..not even a pesky that could actually be your old uncle Tom that died last year, now re-incarnated !!!! you are suppossed to learn from each life so that in the end you reach the ultimate goal which is to lead such a good life that you reach total Karma and do not get re-incarnated again. Basically I guess they say God or Buddha in their case is within us all, and we all have the power to use that for good or bad purposes. must admit i kinda like the principle...thou do still hate misquitos old uncle Tom or not !!!
Quote by deancannock
I know when at school in the sixth form..each one of us had to say our religous beliefs in this one class. I said I didn't believe in god or the devil but did believe in the power of good and bad. Now I was told this was closest to Buddhism...since that date I looked and read a little about it. also been over to Thailand more than a few times where chated to a few monks and have a little of an insight.
Buddha is not a God...but is actually a state of mind!! they believe we are re-incarnated and so, what we do now has a bearing on out next life. they believe in treating others, how you would expect to be treated yourself. they do not believe in killing anything..not even a pesky that could actually be your old uncle Tom that died last year, now re-incarnated !!!! you are suppossed to learn from each life so that in the end you reach the ultimate goal which is to lead such a good life that you reach total Karma and do not get re-incarnated again. Basically I guess they say God or Buddha in their case is within us all, and we all have the power to use that for good or bad purposes. must admit i kinda like the principle...thou do still hate misquitos old uncle Tom or not !!!

Good reply here!
Quote by deancannock
I know when at school in the sixth form..each one of us had to say our religous beliefs in this one class. I said I didn't believe in god or the devil but did believe in the power of good and bad. Now I was told this was closest to Buddhism...since that date I looked and read a little about it. also been over to Thailand more than a few times where chated to a few monks and have a little of an insight.
Buddha is not a God...but is actually a state of mind!! they believe we are re-incarnated and so, what we do now has a bearing on out next life. they believe in treating others, how you would expect to be treated yourself. they do not believe in killing anything..not even a pesky that could actually be your old uncle Tom that died last year, now re-incarnated !!!! you are suppossed to learn from each life so that in the end you reach the ultimate goal which is to lead such a good life that you reach total Karma and do not get re-incarnated again. Basically I guess they say God or Buddha in their case is within us all, and we all have the power to use that for good or bad purposes. must admit i kinda like the principle...thou do still hate misquitos old uncle Tom or not !!!

dean I owe you a pint you have found nirvana at last no crass comment but a totally unbiased view of what I was trying to portray on this site ....and with my threads .........can I marry you ......dont take that literally come to a meet and we can chat you are deff interesting ......ha ha fun enlightenment and honesty without fear of crass comments fr4om others ...a gr8 guy ... my respect
steve xx
i spelt that wrong didn't I?
or perhaps that should be rephrased: The author mispelt that!
One wouldn't want to lay a personal claim to either the mistake,nor indeed the concept behind the word.
can you see what the author is doing yet?
It would appear 'he' is attempting to distance himself from what you are seeing before you.
"self"... ah, there's another one... one of those words.
"attachement" & "self" ... two very big words in buddhism that we really should be learning to do without.
anyhow Mr Flower, in your change what was an uncorfortable situation in your life, you removed yourself from a set of circumstances that your attatchments had conspired to present themselves in a bad way. Placing yourself into a new set of circumstances, you changed your attatchments, and hence,potentially the consequences.
oh,hang on.... "consequences"
... sillyonders:.... Kharma indeed. "Rebirth", or re-incarnation.
we can view our selves as being re-incarnated from moment to moment... day to day... year to year... life to life.
so errrm, yes...
& in that moment, he was enlightened
i think... or rather the author does, ish
Off out now to my religious study group.....will chip in later , if it all kicks off!!!! biggrin lol :P
the author didnt make any sence there did he?
Quote by travlinmanukok
I know when at school in the sixth form..each one of us had to say our religous beliefs in this one class. I said I didn't believe in god or the devil but did believe in the power of good and bad. Now I was told this was closest to Buddhism...since that date I looked and read a little about it. also been over to Thailand more than a few times where chated to a few monks and have a little of an insight.
Buddha is not a God...but is actually a state of mind!! they believe we are re-incarnated and so, what we do now has a bearing on out next life. they believe in treating others, how you would expect to be treated yourself. they do not believe in killing anything..not even a pesky that could actually be your old uncle Tom that died last year, now re-incarnated !!!! you are suppossed to learn from each life so that in the end you reach the ultimate goal which is to lead such a good life that you reach total Karma and do not get re-incarnated again. Basically I guess they say God or Buddha in their case is within us all, and we all have the power to use that for good or bad purposes. must admit i kinda like the principle...thou do still hate misquitos old uncle Tom or not !!!

dean I owe you a pint you have found nirvana at last no crass comment but a totally unbiased view of what I was trying to portray on this site ....and with my threads .........can I marry you ......dont take that literally come to a meet and we can chat you are deff interesting ......ha ha fun enlightenment and honesty without fear of crass comments fr4om others ...a gr8 guy ... my respect
read this and learn this guy has got it have you ???????????????????????????????
steve xx
steve xx

what a geezer eh?
Quote by flower411

what a geezer eh?

Of fuck !!! and there was me thinking of that fat cuddly bloke !!! :shock:
Who`s he then ??
noooooooooo budha is in all of us when you see a budha rub his belly good luck will become ...
have fun xx
steve x
the 'fat-happy' buddha you might often see is a Chinese version.
this chap, I think, is either a truer, earlier version from northern India... or maybe Cambodian.
It depicts the man on the eve of enlightenment, after he had been existing for some years on little more than rice and water, and not all that much of that.
One of the many trials or lessons he persued whilst trying to find the 'truth'
Strangely I find myself relating to his gracious skinniness.
but if you see the buddha on the road to enlightenment, kill him!
Quote by __random_orbit__
but if you see the buddha on the road to enlightenment, kill him!

the budha is how you enterprenate it thats what its all about ......chinese english far eastern indian its a personal thing ... thats what budhism is about ...your choice not a religion ...your choice ..have agr8 christmas and enjoy ...
steve xx
of course, that other great enlightened character is teaching on television right now!
Mr Nesbit
if you actualy visit the grand temple in will find in one area.. 32 staue images of Buddha... 5 of which are believed to be a female form as well ... this is because of all the re-incarnations which were required to find true Karma.
Quote by deancannock
if you actualy visit the grand temple in will find in one area.. 32 staue images of Buddha... 5 of which are believed to be a female form as well ... this is because of all the re-incarnations which were required to find true Karma.

You will also find millions of tango'd monks!
Why did they pick orange for their habits? loon
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by deancannock
if you actualy visit the grand temple in will find in one area.. 32 staue images of Buddha... 5 of which are believed to be a female form as well ... this is because of all the re-incarnations which were required to find true Karma.

absolutely correct dean ....
I spent two weeks in a Japanese Buddhist temple last year. Not because I am Buddhist, but because I was a guest, I have always found something about Buddhism. It is more the under-lying theme, rather than belief or ritual. On those days I was able to talk with the priest and acolytes I found them to be less fervent (is that the word?) than other religions.
I like Buddhism, it promotes contentment. That is honto.
I don't follow any one religion but consider myself to be more spiritual than religious. I do believe in a Creator, that Heaven and Hell will be whatever you perceive them to be and be very personal to you and that there is life after death ( I'm not talking harps and fluffy clouds here though )
I've always been a believer in Karma - what goes around comes around but in view of what's happened in my life over the past 4 weeks I'm struggling to keep my belief going :cry:
Karma it is a notion understood in many ways by different people.
My understanding is simple; none of us can control our lives, there is no God who control life. We can however influence our own lives and what happens in the world. Some things will happen, the sun will shine, the volcano will erupt. That is outside of our control.
We can choose to act with consideration and kindness. If we do the chances of others treating us in a like fashion will increase.
We can choose to cross the road. If we do so on the straight we can see what is coming. Sometimes we have to cross when we can not see. Sometimes a car comes around the corner. It hits us, or avoids us hitting the bank. Every dissension has an effect, we do not always know what that effect will be! It may not be what we deserve.
Some one said "What a terrible place the world would be, if we deserved what happens to us."
Karma, for me is just the effect of everything that has gone before. Some parts we control, sometime we our just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the most part you reap what you sow, but your life is just one part of the cosmos. Relax, live, love, this is just a dream, and all our actions are no more than a beat of a butterflies wing in a storm.
Quote by
I spent two weeks in a Japanese Buddhist temple last year. Not because I am Buddhist, but because I was a guest, I have always found something about Buddhism. It is more the under-lying theme, rather than belief or ritual. On those days I was able to talk with the priest and acolytes I found them to be less fervent (is that the word?) than other religions.
I like Buddhism, it promotes contentment. That is honto.

gr8 thread reply travis ...respect
budhist perception
bad people often seem interesting and good people seem boring , this tells us something about the people involved and a great deal more about ourselves
steve xx
Quote by Lucyandmike7
I know when at school in the sixth form..each one of us had to say our religous beliefs in this one class. I said I didn't believe in god or the devil but did believe in the power of good and bad. Now I was told this was closest to Buddhism...since that date I looked and read a little about it. also been over to Thailand more than a few times where chated to a few monks and have a little of an insight.
Buddha is not a God...but is actually a state of mind!! they believe we are re-incarnated and so, what we do now has a bearing on out next life. they believe in treating others, how you would expect to be treated yourself. they do not believe in killing anything..not even a pesky that could actually be your old uncle Tom that died last year, now re-incarnated !!!! you are suppossed to learn from each life so that in the end you reach the ultimate goal which is to lead such a good life that you reach total Karma and do not get re-incarnated again. Basically I guess they say God or Buddha in their case is within us all, and we all have the power to use that for good or bad purposes. must admit i kinda like the principle...thou do still hate misquitos old uncle Tom or not !!!

just a little anecdote I read today I quote.....
budhists show the same tolerance forbearance and universal love to all men / women/ children without distinction to who or what they are and an unswerving kindness toward all creatures of the animal kingdom how ever small or large on land on on sea or in the air ......... karma
just thought i would share this with you xx
steve xx
Good reply here!
What I would like to know though flower is.....Is there a rumour that Gordon Brown is going to see the Dalai Lama about conversion to Buddhism and if so should he make it known to the country prior to doing so?
Of course politicians are very truthful honest people are they not? Yeah right and I guess the Popes a Catholic :shock:

Quote by flower411
Who really gives a shit about the pope trying to stir up trouble !! ??

Never trust a man who is reputed to shit in the woods!
Quote by travlinmanukok
I spent two weeks in a Japanese Buddhist temple last year. Not because I am Buddhist, but because I was a guest, I have always found something about Buddhism. It is more the under-lying theme, rather than belief or ritual. On those days I was able to talk with the priest and acolytes I found them to be less fervent (is that the word?) than other religions.
I like Buddhism, it promotes contentment. That is honto.

gr8 thread reply travis ...respect
budhist perception
bad people often seem interesting and good people seem boring , this tells us something about the people involved and a great deal more about ourselves
steve xxThe Lion is far more interesting than the deer, but who would you rather be locked in a room with?
Quote by Lost
What I would like to know though flower is.....Is there a rumour that Gordon Brown is going to see the Dalai Lama about conversion to Buddhism and if so should he make it known to the country prior to doing so?
Of course politicians are very truthful honest people are they not? Yeah right and I guess the Popes a Catholic :shock:

Is he? Or is he what he wants to percieve to be?'s all humbug. wink
Quote by Lost
What I would like to know though flower is.....Is there a rumour that Gordon Brown is going to see the Dalai Lama about conversion to Buddhism and if so should he make it known to the country prior to doing so?
Of course politicians are very truthful honest people are they not? Yeah right and I guess the Popes a Catholic :shock:

Is he? I thought he was German :giggle: