Still having to read posts up to 6 times for them to be marked as read...
Buttons (such as reply) move position when clicked and take up to a dozen clicks to work (not all the time just occasionaly)
Just 2 bugbears (pun intended) one is distance filter on ad search doesnt work
and when using chat if I click on view profile the log in screen pops up intermitantly, and i heve to log in again before i can view profiles. it seems to have no effect on my presence in the chat room.
When in the chatroom, the fact that I'm logged in seems not to be synchronised with the rest of the site. I have to manually log back in every now and then to view profiles.
Is it possible to have the Prev and Next buttons repeated at the bottom of the photo ad pages? Seems logical that most people would access them from there rather than the top of the screen.
deffo an improvement but some things still not up and running yet - the chat profile page is squashed up and some things overlap over the pics or the prof itself is squashed into itself
numerous times i have gone to a profile and it takes me to the sign-up page - but that was the same on the old system too.
and as you say the search is u/s at the mo as it just shows everyone regardless of the search you put in.
Thanks Pete & Krystal-
didn't work though! I've still got words floating on pictures, & boxes floating over words. Am I just on a bad trip? :giggle:
ok you know i like to be different heres 2 for you 1 in Gallery you select 30 per page it just keeps coming up with 9 how droll number 2 i have noticed 4 members that have created havoc and been permanemntly banned from the site no longer show up as being banned and that is a worrying thought for the members these people have upset hurt and abused in the past apart from that i like the layout its ok but to much blue but we are used to the old colours so will get useed to it in time great work keep it up
The Mucus Mover Association
The Ani-Phlegm Party
The Boogie Bashers
The Snot Shifters
Just don't expect me to have any of that in my sig as I'm green at the gills just typing it!
My homepage has congrigated to the left hand bottom of my screen :cry:
also why when i have read a thread it doesn't mark it read
I use the Firefox browser and have followed the instructions to "Clear Cache Now". Then refreshing the homepage updates the "Whos Checked out your profile?" section.
But when I log on at a later time, say the next day, I have to yet again "Clear Cache Now" before the "Whos Checked out your profile?" is updated.
Writing as a person who has worked in the software industry, V3 looks very much like an Alpha!
Well, I'm reporting that everything looks fine and dandy, and I've found no bugs, layout or any other issues.......
Unless a huge number of people are updating their adverts whilst I'm reading through them, I seem to be getting a mixture of mostly the same ads (e.g. from page 1 or 2) on all following pages with only the occasional one that's different
Old bug but after pressing the "mark all read" button on the following page the photo ads link doesn't work and also the upgrade option appears in the user menu instead of extras.
Varca, thank you for your thank you, its always a pleasure.
And as for Pete calling me a tart so early on a Saturday morning, just remember tart rhymes with fart!
when viewing catergories...and sorting by 'distance from me' (via drop down menu)It seems to think i live somewhere in essex.....not sure if the filter is buggered or whether it doesnt understand where i live, although searching a catergory 'within x miles' seems to work ok now.......odd one.
Where's the button to remove someone's invitation to your private gallery? I can't find it any more.
A problem or two with the Photo Ad search facility:
With the old search results, you knew which ad you had previously clicked on as the link would change colour (blue to grey for our Firefox browser). This no longer happens and to be honest is a right pain as you end up re-clicking on previously viewed ads.
Second problem, and maybe related. With the old chat, you could just press the back button to go back to the main search result list after looking at a particular profile. Now, with this version we get a pop-up window appear that says:
The page you are now trying to view contains POSTDATA that has expired from cache. If you resend the data, any action the form carried out (such as a search or online purchase) will be repeated. To resend the data, click OK, otherwise click CANCEL"
No changes have been made to our browser settings, this change has only come about since the new web layout was introduced this week.
Any ideas?
Yes same problem here with the POST, with the number of bugs reported, this software clearly has not been tested sufficiently before its release on us poor souls