Quote by HornyBunny
Another Question.. Whats on your keyring
I have a bizarre bunch of keys... OK here goes:
"Aerobic Queen" keyring, shaped as a strange looking female lifting weights :shock:
Attached to the above is a dog disc with "Penny" written on it (belonged to my nan and grandad's dog that died in 1991 :shock: )
Also attached are the front and back keys of the house I'm waiting to sell , the key to my office at work (also with a plastic key ringy thing with the room number on), and another key that I'm not really sure about - I think it might be a pad-lock key
Then I have another key ring attached to that bunch with the phone number and contact details of the NW MRSA, with my current house keys (front and back doors) and another one I was given by the estate agent - still no idea what it unlocks though :?
There you go, well you did ask :lol: :lol: