Earlier this week I was in the car watching My partner J standing nearf it J talking with a parent of one of our children's mates thinking to myself how innocent and charming she was looking and being. I had to chuckle to myself when I though about some of the downright filthy dirty sexy situations I've witnessed and been with her in over the last few years and I couldn't help chuckling to myself with almost disbelief.
In day to day life J is so sweet, nice and kind to people that no one looking on would believe this sexy woman gasps out for a guy to "Fuck me harder" whilst trying to keep a cock happy with her mouth, and hands too, in her more adventurous recreational moments. I'm a lucky guy that's for sure and I count my blessings with each breath I take.
Isn't it odd how we can look at a person or a friend and think we know them while the truth of the matter is we really know very little. We make up, assume stuff and fill in the gaps about a person. It majkes me privelidged too know more and have a greater knowledge about what makes my J tick than most others but god forbid I ever get to the stage where she can't surprise or delight me.
This is unashamedly a topic appreciating Mrs Lost. My wife mother of our children stalwart of the community and just such a sexy sexy capable woman. I maybe the the mouthpiece of "Lost" but bloody hell she is 90% of what we are together.