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Bye bye

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Dear all
Well after a major head ache and a lot of sorting out im finally off (on the 3rd Sept)... To Oz.. To live. (or well at least to give it a go) If you dont try you never know do you?.
Anyway just wanted to say " take care all" Its been a good laugh. I'll probably pop online from time to time if i can in between trying to get sorted.
keep up the good work!. Wish you all the filth in the world. wink
Bye bye
Hope you have a good time out there wink i'm sure you will find it a better way of life out there. Good luck and all the best for the future
Mr & Mrs goodtimez xxx
Have an absolutely fantastic time, I hope everything works out for you. Pop on line and let us all know how you are getting on.
Good luck, hope all of your dreams come true
Good Luck!
Well done for havin the b'lux to do it
Big up to ya :thumbup:
Cathy x
Its a bit of a dream for me at the moment but hopefully we can move over to Florida and enjoy ourselves in a better climate and to have a better standard of life..... but at the moment theres no way we can go :cry:
But dreams do cum true and if you want something enought and if you make the effort and commitment then who knows?
Good luck (again)
Mr goodtimez
ooooooooooooo noooooooooooooo i will miss you loads sad
keep in touch though babes ok................. and have a great time
Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good luck with your future life in Oz. cool
Just in time to escape the Autumn chills us poor buggers here in Blighty will have to endure here shortly! Brrrr! Wish I was going with you, mate.
Wishing you all the best.
Have a fabulous time and keep in touch hun......
Hope everything works out well for you....
Have a fantastic time (you lucky git!)...and try not to get to upset at the thought of us lot here in the rain...and cold....and snow... biggrin :D
GOOD LUCK !!! have a great time once you get sorted biggrin you lucky bugger lol wink
you lucky, LUCKY B*STARD biggrin
Hope it works out for you !!!! :bounce:
just a hint on how to make friend out there
just at the moment don't mention the cricket
Cheers..have a good trip.
good luck!hope it goes well!
Good luck with your venture to OZ - can imagine peeps being interested in you telling us your 'down under' adventures when you have time!!!!!!!!! Takes a lot of guts to move and I hope it turns out to be what you are looking for smile
Magik I am soooooooooooo jealous sad I miss Australia and would love to be able to return but dont see it happening in the near future....
Couple of bits of advice.... Smile alot biggrin The Aussies are a happy bunch of people and will respond warmly to a smile.. Also if you find that you prefer something in the UK to Australia, dont tell em.... You know yourself that you would defend the UK if someone slated it... Same with the Aussies... They love their country and if you open your arms and accept that things are going to be really different to the UK then they will be happy to accept you...
It is a beautiful country with very warm and welcoming people.... Have a blast :thumbup:
Have a great time.
Two things to stay away from :- 1 sheep, 2 4ex (XXXX) lol
Oh and let us know if aussie swingers do it upside down wink
Wish you well .
Thank you all wink not looking forward to the long flight though, anyway ill update yo'all soon. wave
gday mate av a castlemain xxxx on me!