sorry to see your going
keep in touch
Vicky xxxxx
Take a break..
Relax a while...
And come on when you feel you can. It does you good to stop for a while.... I have many times and you get a new zest for it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder ....?
Sorry to hear thar mate.
Hope you will return soon.
Ack Steve, from someone who is married to a guy who not only doesn`t post a great deal, but also has to attend 4 munches, spend a couple of weekends with friends, and meet up with regulars at the SMB before he relaxes with people well enough for them to get an idea of the person...............I`d say you really don`t have a great deal to worry about. Some things take a little longer with some than they do others, eventually most of us get there in the end!
I'n no sociology expert, but it strikes me that this i only a natural state of affairs, men love to chat to women, women love to chat to, erm, other women. As everyone likes talking to women single men are fine with that, but partners such as you, Steve, like Mars and Morbius and Baz, and no doubt a dozen others feel second best to their lady. I don't think it will ever change Steve, I think it's something you either have to accept, or 'let the missus do the talking', again like Blue, Venus, Calista, Ann.
Alternatively you could try sticking something in Clare`s mouth :twisted:
i hope that you don't go..... just like little gem said, you are very much appriated and you were one of the people i was most looking forward to meeting at the munch!!!!
and besides... no one ever finds the exit door round here!!!! we attach a bungee cord to everyone....
keep in touch and i'll be expecting more arsenal abuse if we ever lose again.....
see you at your 30th...
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sounds like you have issues which need to be resolved. Perhaps a break would be for the best.
I wish you well.
mike was here waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy before me.. but i have about 4 or 5 times as many posts as he does!
i honestly think it is a girl thing... we chat more.... and are social in a different way to men.
I can only echo whats been said - I'm far more liable to post a PM to a woman than a man.I am far more at ease with women than men.
Steve,you are one of the most interesting posters on here,funny and really should develop that side of yourself here,its enriching for all of us to share that with you.
You are not in Clares shadow at all - she is admired too but you are a person in your own course she gets attention - shes also a brilliantly witty and caring 're quite a team the two of you - you are both needed here.