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cafe virgin

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hi everyone
this is my first post in the cafe so i think it's safe to say i have broke my cafe virginity. i'm going to open my account with a little moan 'uuugh' what a hard life us single men have in here. i'm also a member of another site and have had several meets through there but it just seems impossible in here i've come to the conclusion that it's because this site is free and very well presented that it attracts lot's of timewasting single guys i'm not calling for a charge on this site but i am calling for a cull of the timewasting single guys so us real men can get some credibility and along with it some action. Anyway thats enough from me anyone else got any comments.
so how do you tell who are the timewasting guys.
I have been on this site for ages now, so far not managed any meets, but I am a genuine guy, maybe because of the age or the fact that I am married but play as a single, I don't know. Bear in mind us single guys are in the majority, and some of these ladies can take their pick, well all actually.
I have been going to swingers clubs in Manchester since 1988 on and off when I get the chance, and had good nights and bad nights.
I have recently started going in the chat rooms, when they're working, lol, and there are some nice people in there, and some really gorgeous women, and of course the idiots who upset the people and spoil things for everyone.
You need to have some patience, and hopefully something will happen.
I have answered lots of ads on here and most people can't even be bothered to answer.
But we live in hopes of the genuine ones that are here.
If you have success on another site but don't here, I know what I would do.
Anyhow welcome to the club and hope you have some luck
another first post that turns out to be a rant....... however diplomaticaly put.
quelle surprise
is there some sort of pattern....... seems so.
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
i say name and shame them three strikes and they're out
Quote by babydavid83
i say name and shame them three strikes and they're out

This topic crops up frequently, and the vast majority of members always agree that any "strike" system, or verification or points system would be open to so much abuse as to make it dangerously unworkable - it could start fights and lawsuits. It was discussed ad nauseam once over 52 pages a while ago, and I was the unlucky person blamed for innocently starting it. Have a read of it if you've nothing better to do - I'd have more fun picking my nose than reading the thread again.
i say that u sound much, much too desperate......
let me give you a scenario........
members contact each other and start to communicate with eachother
a meet is discussed and even tentatively arranged.....during the course of the communications
one of the parties decides that they are slightly uncomfortable and backs out....
are u still up for the idea of naming and shaming followed by expulsion????? im sure that it is easy to label people as a timewaster when infact the issue isnt clearly so.
That happened to me and the other party got the right hump...... to be honest id prefer to feel safe and comfortable rather than feel i owe someone an orgasm because i was considering meeting them but changed my mind. I'm entitled to flirt aren't i??
The issue here is that people who are horny and get let down, whatever way, get bitter.
My soultion..................... go have a wank and a cold shower..... its what keeps me sane!!!
A lot of people here will only meet up with people that they already know , either from the forums, chatroom or from the regular munches and socials that go on.
Have you been to any of the munches confused:
Try and get yourself known on the site and you may have some better luck.
Also this is no longer a completely free site, any new people joining have to pay before they can fully use the site or reply to pms etc.
i say that u sound much, much too desperate......
let me give you a scenario........
members contact each other and start to communicate with eachother
a meet is discussed and even tentatively arranged.....during the course of the communications
one of the parties decides that they are slightly uncomfortable and backs out....
are u still up for the idea of naming and shaming followed by expulsion????? im sure that it is easy to label people as a timewaster when infact the issue isnt clearly so.
That happened to me and the other party got the right hump...... to be honest id prefer to feel safe and comfortable rather than feel i owe someone an orgasm because i was considering meeting them but changed my mind. I'm entitled to flirt aren't i??
The issue here is that people who are horny and get let down, whatever way, get bitter.
My soultion..................... go have a wank and a cold shower..... its what keeps me sane!!!
Quote by babydavid83
hi everyone
this is my first post in the cafe so i think it's safe to say i have broke my cafe virginity. i'm going to open my account with a little moan 'uuugh' what a hard life us single men have in here. i'm also a member of another site and have had several meets through there but it just seems impossible in here i've come to the conclusion that it's because this site is free and very well presented that it attracts lot's of timewasting single guys i'm not calling for a charge on this site but i am calling for a cull of the timewasting single guys so us real men can get some credibility and along with it some action. Anyway thats enough from me anyone else got any comments.

I've only just started using this site and i'm doing fine I guess it just goes to show if you come on here moaning and complaining people suss out your persona. smile and for a first post its not a good one from where i'm looking. Sorry but you did ask for and I quote "Anyway thats enough from me anyone else got any comments"
I'm sure your a lovely bloke,
Yawn, heard it all before rolleyes
Lifes terrible for single blokes blah blah blah :roll:
Cracking first post in the forum, you have obviously grasped how things work very well :roll:
If your having better luck on another site, why come and whinge in here confused:
I've not had a problem, a lot of single guys I know have not had a problem.
Try a nicer introduction, and some ladies might think your a nice guy, not another ranter.
The main problem single guys have, is there's a lot of them out there. So if they tried a bit harder in presentation, and attitude, maybe they wouldn't need to complain so much.
A final tip, the search button is your friend, because this topic has been covered loads of times before.
Welcome to swinging heaven
hope you have loads and loads of fun and find what your looking for xxx
Shaz xx
have arranged two meets for this weekend so am now converted. sorry for the moaning peeps i take it back it's great being a single guy in here
hi david welcome to the site,
you raised a lot of issues that have been raised many many times before.
i do not think the fact that i joined as a free member in anyway insinuates i am a fake, in fact some people may find that paid members expect sex in return for their cash now there are paying members.
this is a swinging site and not a quick sex site.
single guys come on here and moan about the fact they havent had any luck yet, well i think the area of swinging and making friends has a bit more to do with personality rather than luck.
some my also query the fact that you appear to have joined as a couple, no details, but im sure you only have a couple stats area if you said you were a couple, infact use a females face pic in your profile yet say your a single male. could this not be one strike???
ok points made, hope all goes well with your meets and for their sake they turn up or no doubt youll be back to slate them.
xx lou xxx
i think fem has found you out david.. redface
personally i have found this site to be very good, have managed a few meets but more importantly have made loads of web friends through this site.
sort out the profile so it matches what you are offering would definately make it easier
good luck wink
Quote by skimpy
A lot of people here will only meet up with people that they already know , either from the forums, chatroom or from the regular munches and socials that go on.

that''s me to a tee smile
And don't go thinking its easy coz im a fem.... Believe me, it aint!!!! I've been let down twice this week... both by people i have met socially a number of times!!
Quote by constance
"...Maybe an ebay style points system (I have yet to hear of anyone suing ebay for comments made there) is a safe bet and maybe on that people can opt out of, though personaly I would be suspicious of anyone who did opt out!!

constance Im afraid I would be suspicious too... but where do we draw the line?
How long before we get issued with badges with 5 stars awarded for being goodie goodies?
I feel the very nature of being human means we are all individuals!
You can never 'distill' members of this site into one pot of sexual unity because we ALL have different priorities, ideas & expectations of what we want from SH
frustrated he maybe but babydavid83 priority it seems is to cull the single guys on SH so as to increase his chances to get meat - sorry I ment 'a meet'.
Yes we can all sit & roll our eyes Typical single guy first time post... but im sure we all had to start somewhere...
i.e typing the word SEX into a search engine?
Im also very sure we have many personal ways of verifing someone before meeting them, we dont need any "badge wearing, four strikes & your out, please put my name down on a list for me to opt into anything so that I dont look suspicious" system.
Ive said this before SH is a community.
Members similar to babydavid83 just need to be shown the way to become accepted
to quote MikeNorth...
"any "strike" system, or verification or points system would be open to so much abuse as to make it dangerously unworkable"
We cannot & will not be in any position to 'vet' who joins SH
Its only when they join the 'SH Community' we can get a good idea of who anybody is around here... so lets point them in the right direction?
flag waving over... Ive got Man Flu, im not expected to last the rest of the day
Yeah, what he said!
Poor Redpantherman, Im not sure wether to feel sorry for you for having the 'flu or being a man...... lol Here, save this until you're germ free passionkiss
hope you get better soon hun XX
Quote by winchwench
...Here, save this until you're germ free passionkiss
hope you get better soon hun XX

<cough cough cough> fankoo winchwench... are you still hanging out the window? :twisted:
Nah, gave that up soon after hypothermia set in!
Sprawled on the bed is much more comfy........and who gives a shit if you've got no signal!
Hi all new to the cafe but been on the site a while , i know ive not had any luck either but who cares at least i can have a good read and now hopefully chat in here nice pics winchwench spelling not good tonight lol bit tired never mind take care all .........Mick biggrin
Hi all..I've been trying to find out about a local I missing the thread...or is there not one.
Local being Plymouth area.
thanks Will