Hi All!!!
Just wondering if anyone can solve a little mystery for us.... we had two photo ads on the site... one in couples seeking couples... and one in couples seeking men.... we updated them last week and they were still there..... just gone on to pop them to the top cos we're feeling verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry horny indeed and fancy some fun... and they're not there anymore!!!
They've gone... vanished... kapput... missing... awol... they are indeed ex-adverts!!!
Can anyone help.... has anyone seen them... does anyone know why they would have been taken off the site... they weren't abusive, they didn't have XXXX rated photos.... we're just really confused!!! :
I don't even have the wording for them anymore to cut and paste them back..... and they took ages to word for maximum impact!!!
Do ads get wiped every so often.... can anyone offer any help.... we're as horny as a very horny thing on the horniest of days and we've got no way of getting noticed!!!!!
Sobbing uncontrollably!!! :upset:
Friskee!!!!! xxx