If you have a photo editor package, use the resize function. You should reduce it until it is no more than 20kb and 102 x 102 pixels.
If you are really having probs you could send it to me and I would resize it for you.
Alex x
Thanks Alexandra! where would i send it to? could I PM you or you could PM me if you wish. does PMing make a conversation between two people quicker? I really appreciate your help cos i'm having a nightmare here! and i'm in an internet cafe ( which doesn't help matters!)
The "Paint" program which comes with Windows is adequate for this. Go to 'Image' menu, click on 'Stretch/Skew' and resize both the horizontal and vertical to 50% or 20% or whatever proportion of the original size you want. Then go to 'File' menu, click 'Save As' and in the 'Save as type' requester, select 'JPEG', enter a name for the file and click the 'Save' button.
If you use Paint you can use the attributes to see how big the image is work out the percentage it has to change to make it fit into 102x102 , then use Stretch/Skew to change it.
See if you can get hold of a free version of PaintShop Pro it makes it so much easier. There are some genuine free versions available (usually on old cover mounts).
If you want a free image editor, you may want to try Irfanview. Been using it a while as my viewer but it also does resize stuff and works in JPG not just paints BMP.
Jpg is a compressed format and far better for the web
It is really free, written by someone in Germany I think but in English. Seems stable and usable. Any problems using it just PM me.
If enough people want it I'll see what I can do about knocking up a small app that'll take an image and return a 102x102 jpg.
Let me know.
I'll knock somethong together tomorrow (Friday) and let the "Mods" know when it is ready and they can decide what to do about it (if anything).
Thank tnh - I'll give it a go and get some new avatars done
What are you trying to do. If you want to explain it to me I'll see what I can do.
Nupski - Hiay!
Yes - download JQLs program (see one of the threads at the top of the 'cafe')
It's easy to use and works a treat.
Your pics may end up a bit small though.
Alex x x
(For those that don't know - the pics were of nupski doing a bungee jump in Africa - absolutely wonderful scenery!)