I've just had an email from Carpathian asking me to post this on the Forum for him. Hopefully someone will know what the problem is and I will forward the answer to him.
"Is anybody else having long periods of being unable to connect to SH ? I'm on my third of these in the last week or so, this time from Saturday night until now (Sunday morning).
I've rebooted my PC and my ADSL, tried IE & Opera, cleared caches and histories. The important thing is that every single other site I try in either browser loads in a second (both UK and US sites tried) but SH is a non-starter !!
I'm with Freeserve (if that helps or confuses the issue) and for Mark, if he's reading, I've tried using VisualRoute to see how far my attempts are getting before fouling out - the first 16 hops are no problem and I can see the server (as such) though UDP packets are obviously blocked past a certain network point - I'll not secifu details here for obvious reasons but have them here if needed for a PM etc. It seems therefore locating the server is not the issue, more the connecting.
Any help, anybody ? It's getting to the point of feeling like it's not worth trying and I'm really wanting to get back onto the site !
Ta in advance,
a very frustrated Carpy"
Right !
Just got on here for the first time since last night after a long period as outlined above. I made no changes to my PC, didn't even reboot from earlier and this time flew in at great speed !!
I'm still curious if any techies out there can add either ideas as to what it may be or things to use/try if it happens again !!!!
It certainly does sound a bit odd. Very intermittent.
At first glance I thought it might be a firewall issue. Stopping the packets getting to you computer. Do you have a 'learning' firewall?
But again this would completely lock you out. What programs do you have running when you try to log in? And what programs do you have running when you are in?
I'm sure somebody else will have a more definitive answer.
I've tried even dropping my firewall when the problem occurs but it seems theres nothing I can do proactively to force it through - more just a case of waiting ! I've no p2p running, nothing else that uses the web (except Outlook) and even if I reboot and go straight to SH as the very first thing I run it does the same.
Each time though it's come back some hours later at a random attempt as and when it feels like it but all other sites work fine all through this - thats the weird thing ! I've literally been going through my bookmarks trying site after site and even doing a random Google search to find sites I've never been to so I may find others that fail and give me some clues - but they're all fine !
We'll just have to see if we get any help from those in the know, or if it happens again of course !
Ta all - lets see how it goes !
Sounds like the DNS address for SH is being hijacked, try running spybot a freeware program to clean your system, or if it happens again temporarily rename your host file.
I dont understand one single word of has gone on :shock: I'm as technical as a fish on a bike. But, just wanted to say, nice to have you back Carpy mate!
Now, if it's got four legs, or moos,squawks or baas...then I'm your man!