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Can I ask about *herpes*...?

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Just wondering about how people hereabouts cope with the risk of catching genital herpes: a friend of my g/f apparently caught it in a supposedly 'safe sex' situation, and from a guy who didn't seem to be displaying any signs of it.
What I'm wondering is whether it's the sort of thing that new swingers regard as an 'occupational hazard' that's not really very serious; or/and whether experienced swingers believe that 'pretty well everyone who swings has it anyway'. What's the situation?
Is there a lot of it about? In the US, something like a quarter of adults has it, I'm told. Is it worth worrying about?
Thanks for all replies!

Im afraid all I know about herpes is that lasts longer than love........
Darkfire is more useful than I.....good link! smile
you take a risk of catching something every time you have sex, protected or not, genital warts is passed thro oral, how many of us can honestly say we use protection when doing oral sex?
what you have to ask yourself is do you want to take that chance?
any chance we can give herpes to the people that arrange to meet and have no intention of meeting....................or a way or verifiying the genuine people on here.
another evening wasted lol!
Quote by markles
any chance we can give herpes to the people that arrange to meet and have no intention of meeting....................or a way or verifiying the genuine people on here.
another evening wasted lol!


Dont be fooled by the pics shown though, most of those are all late-stage or untreated extreme example cases - it can take months to reach that stage. Most STi's initially have very few symptoms or outward signs so dont rely on 'well, it looks ok to me' wink
my friend caught herpes of a one night stand showing no signs and practiced safe sex then passed it on to her boyfriend and they both came out in blisters at the same time they got over it its something they will always have and cant change everything in this world is risky if you are a risk taker go for it no method of contraception is foolproof but if we did everything we were told the world would end
OMG just looked at that link :shock:
how the hell can people let themselves get that bad b4 the seek help :shock: :shock:
Here is smemore innfo on Herpes;
Quote by couple_ne2000
There are two types of Herpes simplex virus (HSV1 and HSV2), which are distiguishable antigentically. The cause a wide variety of clinical syndromes, the basic lesion being an intraepithelial vesicle, from which the virus is shed. Infection can be spread from person to person, usually via saliva or cold sores, and frequently by kissing.
When first infected the virus replicates in cells in the oral mucosa and forms virus-rich vesicles (cold sores). These vesicles then ulcerate and become coated with a greyish white slough.
During this primary infection, the virus particles enter sensory nerve endings in the lesion and a transported to the dorsal root ganglion (a nerve), where they initiate a latent infection in sensory neurones (lie dormant). The lesion heals after the immune system mounts an antibody response. The latent virus remains in the sensory ganglion for life. Certain circumstances (feeling run down, menstruation, immunocompromise, sun exposure etc) allow the virus to reactivate and spread down sensory nerves to cause another cold sore at the site of the original infection. Pain, burning or itching preceeds the appearance of the lesion, this is due to virus activity in the sensory neurones.
Primary infection may also occur; in the eye - causing keratitis and conjuntivitis, the finger - herpetic whitlow, other skin sites follwing direct contact with infected vesicle where there is rubbing or trauma - scrum pox, herpes gladitorium, genital tract - HSV2 arose as a sexually transmitted variant of HSV1 but the sites infected by the two types are now less clearly distinct (meaning yes you can catch genital herpes from recieving oral sex from someone with a cold sore).
Serious complications associated with HSV infection include; infection of eczematous skin areas leading to severe disease in young children, acute necrotizing encephalitis (this is what the papers mean when they talk about a flesh eating bug - it isn't a bug but a syndrome caused by a variety of pathogens), neonatal infection acquired from genital tract of mother, Infection (primary or reactivating) in immunocompromised individuals causes a very serious disease.
Les x

Taken from this thread;
And here is another link to a STI related Thread
Les x