I've always seen SH as a sort of swinging department store. All under one roof, with lots of little sections. In the couples section there are:
Couples seeking men,
Couples seeking women,
Couples seeking single men,
couples seeking single women,
Couples seeking young men,
Couples seeking old men,
Couples seeking young women,
Couples seeking older women,
Couples seeking bi men,
Couples seeking bi women,
Couples seeking younger bi men,
Couples seeking younger bi women,
Couples seeking older bi men,
Couples seeking older bi women,
Couples seeking shaven men,
Couples seeking shaven women,
Couples seeking single bi men,
couples seeking single bi women,
Couples seeking younger single bi men
Couples seeking older single bi men
Couples seeking younger single bi women
Couples seeking older single bi women
couples seeking single shaven bi men,
couples seeking single shaven bi women with shaven pussy,
couples seeking singel shaven bi men with blue eyes,
couples seeking single shaven bi women with blue eyes.
You get the idea, the list could go on ad-infinitum. When you walk in, you can choose to browse wherever you like, and shop wherever you like.
What seems to happen is, married men (and not all of them) are by far the most likely to say 'Any swinger that chooses not to shop in my section, is a hypocrite'.
To answer the original question. Perhaps there are proportionally just as many cheats in gay realationships as in heterosexual relationships. The only difference being, it is married men (and not all of them) that are most likely to get upset at it being called cheating rather than swinging.
There are several threads related to these issues of cheating, honesty and integrity, and many contributors do valiant job of upholding and advocating their prespective.
However, I believe that people are selective about many things they say and do. Few of us would offer our lifestyles as 'hobbies and pastime' on a job application form. Those who are parents would be unlikely to tell the school head teacher, church or doctor that they have an 'alternative lifestyle'. And does everyone in your family and relatives know about everything you do?
No, why? Surprise. Because surprise is really really sexy.
FB. You missed something.
I got to go to. This is something I have wanted to say in the context of cheating etc.
See you soon.
not wanting to further stir any hornets nests but....
If my missus spends £100 on a pair of sunglasses and tells me they cost £20 and that she paid for them from her account, and I later discover that she lied to me for fear of me being a might bit pissed off, and did the same for haircuts over a period of say 3 years or so (Damn Tony & Guy)and simply says oh its only money.....
the fact that she lied to me about this surely by your arguments would give me justification in saying oh its only sex if I were ever to be unfaithful to her, does it? im not sure.
and secondly, should it only be called cheating for couples in a relationship with religious meaning, after all prior to christianity I think that infidelity was almost the norm. I'm not religious at all (but curiously i am married)
I think ive confused myself more now