And ending up like Sarge will be a bad thing because???????
You don't seem to have grasped the concept that this place is supposed to be a bit of saucy fun, whatever shape, size, age, colour, gender someone might be!!
Quote by woohooEverytime you jump in my box you have the most amazing manners
I'm the shyest guy with the worst manners on this site......
Quote by Dizzy_Donna
woohoo u are a very big flirt i still remember u and me chatting in the early hrs and u chatting on mic for me to turn me on ( but not complaining) but you are a sweety xxx
Quote by lilacgem
They can read, they either just dont bother or I think they are mainly chancers.
I did have a guy that continued to mail me despite not falling into any of the criteria of my add until he offered to pay me :shock:
I then said he was breaking AUP so I didnt hear off him again
Quote by Freckledbird
i know what ur getting at with this dizz, its the reason we stopped playing on cam. u can only ask someone to stop whispering or directing so many times before it gets annoying, and sometimes the abuse you get back isnt worth it. we have set up our own no directing/whispering rooms, been polite to the idiots etc but it seems to get you no where with some ppl and sometimes ignoring them doesnt work as they'll come bug u in chat anyway (i do miss having an ignore button in chat ). with a bit of luck they'll get their own "pet stalker" one day and know what its like. karma's a bitch :twisted:
Quote by woohoo
Hi welshcpl2004
Aww thats a shame as I really miss your gorgeous hair on cam and your cheeky smile. :P
hopefully you 2 wil change your mind one day, or has the tossers scared another nice young lady away???? :cry:
Quote by welshcpl2004
i know what ur getting at with this dizz, its the reason we stopped playing on cam. u can only ask someone to stop whispering or directing so many times before it gets annoying, and sometimes the abuse you get back isnt worth it. we have set up our own no directing/whispering rooms, been polite to the idiots etc but it seems to get you no where with some ppl and sometimes ignoring them doesnt work as they'll come bug u in chat anyway (i do miss having an ignore button in chat ). with a bit of luck they'll get their own "pet stalker" one day and know what its like. karma's a bitch :twisted:
Quote by Bronty
Have to agree, reporting should be made easier, how about a one click button which would alert a op to come into the room??