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can someone convince us????

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yet again we`re in the middle of something interesting...............
just got brave and opened our own chatroom.................
dial up connection failed............
someone please give us some advice re the pros and cons of broadband cos we knew pc`s when win 95 was an innovation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we`re on tiscali dial up ...............anyone got anything better.................
need some help before we make the jump
Not using broadband if you are in a broadband enabled area is a huge error :shock: .
The difference is amazing - even on NTHell it's as fast as a local network. We have a 10Gb cable BB connection - when I used a dial-up connection at a mates house recently, I thought his computer had died! - connections have changed, it's come a long way since 9K6 dial-up!
Go get it, it's so cheap too, with all the different 'start up' offers available just now - ads all over TV.
Download speed - Wow! - chatroom etc. whizzes (on a good day rolleyes wink ) watch TV on-line, streaming video etc. etc. etc. - you'll wonder why you never opted for it a long time ago.
I've never had any trouble with Blueyonder from Telewest. If you dont have cable then i'm not sure but Wanadoo and tiscalis own broadband should be ok.
My advice to you would be to switch to Broadband the prices are so cheep now day’s and its all fixed monthly fee rate too, you can surf all day and don’t have to worry about your phone bill and no tieing up the phone line either.
As to which Service provider to use well that all depends, but have a look at this;
Quote by goose35
I've never had any trouble with Blueyonder from Telewest. If you dont have cable then i'm not sure but Wanadoo and tiscalis own broadband should be ok.

i am exactly the same... never had any problems with blueyonder at all..... smile
i have gone in the last 15 months from someone who was a technophobe on AOhell dial up to somoene who have just gone up a package on broadband....
after about a week of just going "wow" at the speed everything was after the switch you will wonder why you waited so long to do it... trust me!!!
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
I made the switch from dialup many months ago & I was amazed at the speed. Its a bit like coparing an urban road to a motorway. OK untill there is a pileup LOL.
I'm with Telewest and , after a short period of poor connection, I have found them to be most helpful & they attempt to help in every way when things do go wrong. I believe that the merger with NTL will be complete after June, I do hope that the service will not sufffer.
You need to think to yourself how much you use the net now and how much you want to use the net. If all you do is use it for checking emails and posting on the forum and perhaps wanting to go on the chatroom it might not be worth upgrading. Especially if you're using pay-as you surf and it costs £10 every 3 months.
How ever good broadband packages can be gotten for £15 or less a month and in the case of telewest you get free cable tv (though the most basic package which is better than freeview).
Broadband and the net can be made to save you money, by being able to shop around (with dial-up it can be difficult to quickly surf a few retailers websites for a product) and buy things alot cheaper online as well as having a much bigger selection. Nike for example will personalise your trainers for more or less the same price as a non-personilised pair.
Also if you want to look at porn the then broadband is essentially a must, you'll find a whole host of adult website offering a huge amount of selection for often less than the price of a dvd from a sex shop.
Get broadband
It's soo much better - even a techno numpty like me notices the difference.
And to be honest prices have come down since broadband was first becoming available.
Do it do it do it :happy:
HO here.
At home I have broadband and the office I have dialup and to be really honest I ntice NO difference whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!
IMO at times broadband at home is a pain in the ass, and I have been known to drive to my office to get on line there as it is quicker.!!
Broadband has only been here at home since 'he' moved in, and at lest 4 times, I have threatened to have it removed,
Quote by Sarah
HO here.
At home I have broadband and the office I have dialup and to be really honest I ntice NO difference whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!
IMO at times broadband at home is a pain in the ass, and I have been known to drive to my office to get on line there as it is quicker.!!
Broadband has only been here at home since 'he' moved in, and at lest 4 times, I have threatened to have it removed,

I'm shocked!
Quote by Sarah
HO here.
At home I have broadband and the office I have dialup and to be really honest I ntice NO difference whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!
IMO at times broadband at home is a pain in the ass, and I have been known to drive to my office to get on line there as it is quicker.!!
Broadband has only been here at home since 'he' moved in, and at lest 4 times, I have threatened to have it removed,

Change ISP.
When me and Mk III broke up, she had the dial up in one room and I treated myself to a new account with different ISP, then upgraded mine to BB when it became available.
I've been in a couple of other people's houses while they've been on dial up - and find there's a massive difference.
In fact - of the two houses that spring to mind - both were on AOL :shock:
And when I fLucked up the networking thing and reverted to the old dial up account, I used to make a cup of tea while I waited for pages to load.
I've been having connection problems with my BB and in all honesty have been jumping down BT's throat of late I live in the arseh*le of beyond and only have overhead tellephone lines and I thought it was them in a poor state of repair, but hey came they tested they even put new cables up and it did improve somewhat but It turns out it was my router causing most of the problems..................................but ssssssshhhh don't tell BT that as we now have nice shiny new telegraph poles and cables and they'll only want em back confused
They are not having them they are mine I tell yee all mine :shock: :shock: lol :lol: :lol:
thanks for all the help & info everyone
just done the sign up ......upgraded our tiscali 15 days or so we should be superfast!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by donnyguy
I'm with Telewest and , after a short period of poor connection, I have found them to be most helpful & they attempt to help in every way when things do go wrong. I believe that the merger with NTL will be complete after June, I do hope that the service will not sufffer.

Yeh i hope that the merger dont cause probs as NTL or NTHell as people call it has not got a great reputation.
Quote by twos_company
thanks for all the help & info everyone
just done the sign up ......upgraded our tiscali 15 days or so we should be superfast!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like i said i never heard any gripes on tiscali. I was on Lineone before broadband which was bought by Tiscali and didn't have any trouble