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Can you Adam & Eve it?

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Warming the Bed
Here I am, free evening ahead of me with no plans and no pressure, so I thought WEY HEY I can have a night of debauchery. So anyway I invited a fellow reprobate to a night of Love, Lust and Deviancy and he bloody turned me down for a night at the races instead..............HUMPHF, can you believe it.............Men huh. Looks like a night with a bottle of Shiraz and my trusty friend Vibe eh, oh well Cest la vie.
Have a wonderful weekend all
enchantress (Think i'm losing my
Can you Adam and Eve it, Enchantress turned down :cry: Never mind love try the chat room, I'm sure someone there will only be too willing to help you out biggrin I would myself but I'm 300 miles from you. Have a nice evening whatever happens smile
Warming the Bed
Harry darling i'm sure I shall have a wonderful time, thank you for your kind words :P
Warming the Bed
Warming the Bed
eeeeeeeeeeeeeks steve, mind the caps, looks like your shouting. Thankyou for the kind offer darling, but instead of trying to get into my knickers initionally, try getting into my head, it will get you further smile
Sex God
Think I might have ranted about this very thing in response to another posting!!
GUYS - you now have two fabulous women telling you that it's not the equipment that counts, it's the user!! Feed the mind to gain access to the body and - for me - a lot of the crude approaches made by some of the blokes (read the writing carefully) is a turn off. However, I do accept that, for some women, the crude approach works!
Whatever floats your boat - mine needs a high tide and break waves - oh, and a bottle of chilled Pinot Grigio doesn't go amiss either!! OK.. I'll settle for Chenin Blanc if pushed - especially up Osborne Road. lol Private joke chaps...
x xx x
Forum Virgin
my tongue and cock are yours
Forum Virgin
How can we get into your mind, with out first talking to you and expieriencing your thoughts and feelings.
Warming the Bed
Awwwwww bless, poor Enchanting One sad
Your tale is nearly (note I said nearly, lol) as sad as mine. Read, weep, then offer solace if you please, lol.
I have been trying to seduce a very sexy lady, with my charm wit, oh and copious hints that I was hung like a Grand National winner (sic). Thought everything was coming along nicely, so sent her my phone number last Tuesday. Not hearing from her by Thursday, I sent her a little reminder, as I had rather hoped we could "gedd idd ooorrnn" soon, possibly at the weekend even.
Anyway, this Love Goddess (and I use that title advisedly ;) ) eventually phoned me, on Friday. By which time I had accepted a lesser invitation, as it seemed a visit to paradise was a non-starter, for that evening.
Speaking to her, on the telephone, more than confirmed my initial instincts were correct. Her velvet smooth voice flowed over me. Changing the timbre only affected me more, as did the way she paused occasionally letting her words sink in. I replaced the handset and stared at the phone. How the hell did she do that??? How did she manage reach down a BT phone line and caress my erogenous zones? I wouldn't mind but, we hardly mention the "S" word, in our conversation!!! (I was very good ladies, I didn't talk about shopping or my train-spotting activities, lol)
Having offered me, the much prized invitation to paradise, I tried desperately to back out of my prior engagement. Alas, I was unsuccessful in my efforts and paid the price for giving my word. How I wished I could have forsaken my morals, to partake of the fruits on offer.
So you see O' Enchanting One, your tale touched me as I too suffered at the hands of fate. Perhaps we should cry on each others shoulders or better still shag each other senseless??? lol lol lol
Henry biggrin
Warming the Bed
aaaaaaaaaaw Henry darling, (Please use dulcet tones where applicable)
I wish I could sympathies with you but it is so difficult when I was sat here chewing at the bit all evening.
Having spent the last week horsing around and desperately trying to administer some much needed medication, to a poorly chap via email, I thought it was time to offer the sugar cube in person, as he was beginning to pull at my reins. Sadly though I wasn't in the starting position to call this intelligent, witty, charming man until Friday morning due to outside circumstances.
I was so pleased with myself that I had taken the leap over the first fence and phoned this darling chap, as my instict seemed to be accurate, he was even more charming voice to voice and put me at ease immediately. It wasn't long into the conversation that I made my decision that I wanted a meet with this chap. As I had a free evening ahead of me I galloped along at full pelt and invited him over for a night of debauchery. It was at this point Henry that the flag came down, my plans shattered (Are you weeping yet?), and he bucked, sending me flying to come back down to earth with a bump (OUCH). What a rebuff!
Anyway darling Henry, i'm the kind of girl that gets right back into the saddle and i'm sure it won't be long before i'm mounting this glorious
Here's hoping you find paradise soon
Pinot Grigio, Chenin or white? Which do you prefer? And what's this Osbourne Rd place got to do with anything, I wonder???
Warming the Bed
Help, Doctor doctor, i'm in much need of medication. An injection of excitement should do it or perhaps oral medication is what you would prefer to prescribe.
Yours a poorly enchantress