Quote by little gem
17. I'm fed up of getting cock shots!
Ladies, ladies, ladies... oh I don't know... :roll: some guys will send you cock shots no matter what, probably more so when you don't want to get them... it happens, hit the delete button and live with it. It's the nature of the beast - specially of the SH beast - but please no more threads like that!!! pretty please!!
you sound as bad as the "why don't I get any replies" brigade!!
The thing is the people who normally send cock shots have the ugliest appendage you've ever set yer eyes on and yet they think it's the best thing ever........ theyre sooooo damn proud of it! :scared: Thats the groan factor!
3inches of manhood (or lack of) never looks fantastic in a picture!
Complaint Number 18. I'm bored
19. I hate christmas
20. I've spent way too long wrapping presents that I'll never get around to giving to people
21. The radio station i normally listen to is playing nonstop christmas shite
22. I don't want to get shagged cos I have too much to do! :shock: :cry:
23. Bahhhhhhhh Humbug! :twisted:
29. I hate people who hate christmas, lets just all spend more time in work :roll: