Jennifer Aniston
Hugh Grant
Sarah Jessica Parker
Sandra Bullock...
in fact, anyone who flags the film up as being even vaguely "rom-com" in my head.
Or, come to think of it- "chick flick" too.
Having gone from a very busy, noisy house to a quiet one unnaturally quickly, the house being too quiet drives me nuts. If I'm home alone there has to be some noise keeping me company. Used to be the TV, but these days it's Spotify.
Two people not ever allowed air time in my life:
Mel Gibson - too antisemitic.
Katherine Jenkins - immoral, hideous, jumped up cow. Nice voice.
leonardo dicaprio until gangs of new york and the departed
mcauley kulcan
glenn close used to be one too but am ok with her now along with meryl streep
Jude Law - shite in everything I've seen him in
Glenn Close - can't help thinking 'man in drag'
Mel Gibson - too up his own ass
Sean Connery - plays everything from a Russian U boat Captain to an Egyptian immortal all with a Scottish accent!
omg i thought it was just me that had this affliction...absolutely cannot abide, watch anything with that toothful midget Tom Cruise in....:eeek:
i dont know what it is....but i only have to hear the first few bars of the top gun theme and my hackles(me of a croc about to pounce) to his diminutive stature, his obsession with taller women, his acting ability, perma tan...i could go on!!
and throw into the mix his obsession with the bizarre scientology cult...erm sorry....religion and it makes him a complete no-no for me every time....cant even watch Tropic Thunder cos it has him in it, and hes in a very heavy disguise too
nasty nasty man!!! :kick:
Ian McKellern - makes my skin crawl!
Peter Kay - revolts me!
I can't abide Big Brother, or _any_ of those celebrity cockroach eating contests. I hate Ant and Dec, and I can't stand X-Factor, strictly come dancing or any of that tosh.
If I have to name actual celebrities that make me crige, then I'm afraid it's Ant and Dec, Davina Macoll, and that bloke off x factor with the high waited pants. I'm pleased he's made so little impact on me that I can't even remember his actual name.