As some of you might be aware, a good friend has decided to leave the site. His reasons are private, but of a sensative nature.
Please feel free to add any comments you wish, but be aware please, comments left will be taken as a signature on my petetion to bring him back on.
Good people are hard to come by, let's not let this fine fellow slip through our hands..........
A Gentleman name of Jack had a boat, twas brandy that kept it afloat, he has left the site and try as i might, I couldn't get him to stay - the old goat :/
A big loss to the chatrooms, missing him already, COME BACK JACK!!!!!!!!!
Come back captain jack chat room not the same nice guy
Was it cos I didnt go camping ? :sad:
Always sad to see good people leave the site. Capt is a long time friend and acquaintance of ours and we will miss bumping in to him across any room at any time. We hope he returns to port sooner rather than later.
hope yr come back capt. :smile:
Would be good to see you back here Jack xxxx
Sorry to hear you have gone Jack, it was always nice to have a chat at the socials with you, good luck and be well if you decide to stay away :cry:
Come back Jack
You will be missed by lots and especially I will miss our boaty chats!!
Thank you all so much for your kind words especially nyslupabrick and mancnewbie (?) - I was touched to read them. I was worried about turning into a dirty old man, but hell too late so I'm back xxx
Returned is the captain named jack, from his wandering in nights cold and black, we all are so pleased that he is back for the tease, Lets all raise a glass coz he's back!!!!!!!!