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Carol Singers

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Anyone had a visit from carol singers yet?
As an oldie I remember they used to start coming round from the 1st Dec onwards and standing at the front door struggling to sing the first line and then sticking their hands out looking for money.
Just off to fill some buckets of water in preparation.
I have never been visited by carol singers in my life. I would love to though.
G x
Got my first ones a couple of nights ago (30th Nov) - i told them to come back in December - just cause i am pedantic.!
Not yet, but I'm sure that we will get some soon.
It would be nice if they knew the words to the carols that they were singing at least.
My wife went to the door last year, and asked them to finish the carol.
They could'nt so they buggered off.
Quote by dundeecpl
I have never been visited by carol singers in my life. I would love to though.
G x

I would come down ur area to carol sing but i think that is probably colder than where i am!!!!
Also the previous times i have been to ur area i havent had the most friendliest of welcome's.
Not that i am saying that u would be unfriendly to me.
So who is this Carol Singer and is she on this site
Believe it or not we had our first Carol singers on 4th November :!:
I asked them if they had got mixed up and were getting confused with bonfire night the following day, but they said no "the sooner we start, the more money we'll get" evil
I wouldn't mind carol singers quite so much if they could sing propers carols. Instead they sing the first line of "We wish you a Merry Christmas" and then bugger off the minute you drop some money into their collecting pots rolleyes
Bah humbug! I hate Christmas these days. Must be a sign of getting old confused
When our kids were small it was a wonderful magical, although expensive time and I loved it. It's not the same without small children somehow, although god knows I'm glad we don't yet have grandchildren :shock:
We're much too young and naughty to be grandparents wink :twisted:
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray
Quote by redstilletto
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

It's funny you should write that, as I was going to say.
"I could not eat a whole one".
But after Sarge's thread I thought I would be more tactile.
Quote by Re-Lapse
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

It's funny you should write that, as I was going to say.
"I could not eat a whole one".
But after Sarge's thread I thought I would be more tactile.
great minds think alike huh
tactile me never....................... wink
Quote by redstilletto
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

It's funny you should write that, as I was going to say.
"I could not eat a whole one".
But after Sarge's thread I thought I would be more tactile.
great minds think alike huh
tactile me never....................... wink
Or is it fools never differ?? :wink:
fools ooooooooooooooooooooo
cheeky monkey wink
Quote by redstilletto
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

I don't mind them if they are reasonably good confused
I live in a small block of flats, so I think that puts them off biggrin :D
Quote by HungryP
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

I don't mind them if they are reasonably good confused
I live in a small block of flats, so I think that puts them off biggrin :D
Much better with "a few favor beans down with a nice chianti" guess the film... not too hard after all it's nearly friday and party time.... lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
We don,t get many carol singers and the ones who do come bugger off as soon as you give them money confused me and my two brothers went carol singing once when we were kids, we decided to trick our dad we went to the door and started singing , he did,nt answer but when we backed away he was waiting at the top bedroom window and poured a bucket of water over us lol :lol:
serves you rite chheky bird...... should have worn a mask..... lol :lol: :lol:
When carol singers approach i let my dog out to greet them....any brave enough to stay...deserve the money
He's not scary...just pleased to see them...jumps up and says hello....6 stone alsation looking brute.......
Quote by redstilletto
i love carol singers
especially served with stuffing and roast potatos n gray

I don't mind them if they are reasonably good confused
I live in a small block of flats, so I think that puts them off biggrin :D
Quote by Scandal
I live in a small block of flats

But you manage to fit in ok?
Well I have to hold my breath in all the time, but just!!! biggrin :D rolleyes
Quote by dundeecpl
I have never been visited by carol singers in my life. I would love to though.

Be afraid..........ooooopppsssss........we mean prepared. We've been practising our carol singing :karaoke: You could find us on your doorstep one night lol
Stuart & Tanina hump xxx
I remember one Christmas.. We had Carol Singers outside our house standing with their lanterns..It was snowing heavy and freezing .But those singers made it feel so Christmas!! .my heart went out to them, They were going around the doors collecting for the local church, and raised quite a bit..So drinkies to them , Raising money for a good cause.
Lucy xxxxxxx
Your experience sounds goo and must of looked like something out of a Dickens novel.
Giddy up,giddy up lets go,lets look at the winterland of snow etc etc etc......................