with the increase in all these home shows more and more houses are going for floor boards, where as in the past it used to be carpets.
What has this got to do with folk in here..... well, if you think about it, if you read the ads... a lot of females all say that they shave. Now it doesnt matter if its a brazillian or a full wax, you end up with a floor board i.e. smooth.
You dont really see folk saying in the ads, non shaved hairy beaver this way ---> so these are the carpets!
And yes i agre that shaven is better (your not spitting out pubic hairs half the time), so is this just a fashion thing with more and more people wearing g-strings instead of bridget jones types???
P.S. long live the floor boards and the odd scatter rug!!!
(this is not a smooth or furry discussion thread, but is, is it a fashion trend?)
and are tiny g-strings, with the postage stamps at the front just an excuse for anal dental floss???