Basically I need to post more to stop being a site newbie --- which I fully understand.
However since joining the site although I check in daily and read thru a good few topics - I've only made a very few posts!
So here's my catch 22 dilemma :-
If I'd been to a munch and met loads of the regular members ..... Then I'd probably be involved in far more conversations ..... and thereby would not be considered so much of a newbie???
Unfortunately as I haven't been to a munch and have not met any regulars ---- I'm viewing messages from strangers
(albeit some of those strangers seem to be lovely people from what they write and from reading their profiles
but neverthe less they are still strangers ----- which means that a) I'm more reluctant to butt into someone elses conversation.... and b) Even when I do add my two pennath worth --- I'm far less likely to get a direct reply and get to know people..... basically because They don't know me!!!!! ---- and therefore are probably more inclined to miss my comments and answer comments above or below me from a regular that they probably know!
And who can blame them?
So there you have it .....catch 22 ..... how does a newbie get to know the regs and vice-versa
My conclusion would be to start a new topic laying out the problem in the hope that it stirs up interest from some regulars or other newbies --- thereby at least giving us chance to get to know each other..
And at the same time adding to my number of post ..... making me look less of a newbie for some future munch invite....
Would another answer be to have someone organise a newbie munch specifically to introduce newbies to regulars --- or would that be too risky bearing in mind that in my short membership of SH I've also seen some uncouth and basically none pleasant people posting allsorts of totally uninteresting and sometimes offensive posts?.
Leading to yet another Catch 22 for the regulars...
How do the regulars who seem to welcome one and all with open arms determine whom to actually invest time in - in terms of building new friendships?????
So I guess it's catch 22 all round?