with all the coverage by the ,you know who paper was just wondering how you would feel if you opened the paper and there you were piccy int that paper either going in or comeing out of a swing club and what effect it would have on your life ,our selfs we would be shocked but we are not the sort to really bother us,but there must be cpls or singles who maybe with there job would have a real jolt to there lifes
wouldnt mind so long as i'm mostly dressed
have met my boss at a wife swap party before, that was a moment!!!
This happened to a couple I met about ten years ago. The press did a real job on them and it resulted in a lot of damage.
id want to ask my mum why she never told me i had a identical twin sister!!!!!
ive never been in a swinging club either
lou xxx
I was in the "press" last year. Luckliy it was an alternative paper that my family would never read, and all my friends in NY knew before it came out. got a few good meets out of the whole situation.
Would love to go with the whole family thing of "Love me, we're famiily" and with Work "Go on, sack me"... but ... Until we decide we are ready, then everyone can f*** off - when and if we do decide to appear,. then we will decide which publications we appear in.. Other than that there is a HUGE charge £$£$££$£... As for slander, it is a high tight rope to walk,,,,
FECK ME :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
In response to some of the above comments I would recommend this site
It has the code of conduct that newspapers are supposed to stick to. Staff at the papers usually stick to these but agencies tend to do their own thing. TV does not have a code of conduct on how they act only on what the broadcast.
Main points protecting us are
3. Privacy, a swinging club is private property
10. Should not use clandestine recording devices, includes camera phones
12 Discrimination or highlighting your sexual preferences without just cause
The site has a 24 hour phone number if you are being hastled by the media.
While you can not be photographed inside the club as soon as you step outside you are in the public and considered fair game.
If another club member photographs you in the club, they have copyright of the photograph and may sell it to the paper. Only afterwards would you be able to sue under the Human Rights act for invasion of Privacy.
If the media are about to out you you have a couple of choices.
LEGAL, Try PCC above and if rich try an injunction (if you win the paper usually pays your costs)
LIE LOW. Shut the doors and curtains and go into hiding. The media will try and track down friends, workmates and tell them about your activities as they try and get info about you.
PLEA BARGAIN. Phone the editor and explain you have kids and public life. See if they can run the story without identifying you and in return you will give an interview and be photographed in silhouette. This works with local papers as they try and keep a family image, however if the story is about you as a public figure and your activities they will name you claiming it is public interest.
GO PUBLIC. Pose for pic and read out a statement and hope that the media will be sympathetic because you cooperated.
Sorry its an old thread but was just browsing the archives (I'm sad)
I used to work in the industry and know how the media works.
Any queries get in touch and I can help you out.
Have stopped 2 famlies from being named in the paper with the above advice.
The media does not expect the public to know about their code of conduct and most solicitors dont.