We are used to fakes and timewasters. We used to get them here, but we certainly still get them there.
Whilst I don't deny that there are fake profiles out there on any swing site you can get access to for free, I don't actually understand the nature of the OP's grievance with the profiles. I fully understand their frustration with the owners/operators of the site however.
One thing I will say about the other site is that for us it has led to far more successful meets than this one, and even wins hands down in the chatroom stakes. If it wasn't for our free account I wonder whether we would frequent here as often as we don.
Have to agree with the above, far less members on the other sites yet we do get more contacts on the others, right now our best results come from a site with less than 1000 members, here there are nearly 1.5 million.
Personally I put that down to the fact that there are never any cams to appease those that join swingers sites as voyeurs or exhibitionists (not saying its wrong to do that)
The worst site we are members of when it comes to getting meets is has a membership 5 times greater than this one (but it is a worldwide site).
We get our fair share of timewasters but soon spot them, most just mail us and if we are interested we get back to them, but then never hear from them again, no great loss, of our last 26 meets only 1 turned up and they threatened to kill us when we said we would not play with them), it hasn't put us off but it has lowered our expectations of what to hope for when we do find compatible people.
But timewasting and fake profiles are not scams unless you let them be, ie if you give them access to private pictures etc.
Never put something online that may cause you discomfort in later life.
you really do have too much time on your hands wide lol