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Central London

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Hello everybody
Just a word of warning to those of you who live outside London and at some time may consider coming down this way for a meet.
Either leave the car at home or park and ride in. I drive an HGV on nights and normally
our first run of the night involves going into cental London. The traffic wardens in Westminster are dyed-in-the-wool gold plated Bastards. If you stop to ask directions they slap a ticket on your motor. Even us delivering to the numerous stores we have in the area are not immune, the record so far is three tickets in one unloading session, which took about an hour. If your car is uplifted and impounded, it's 200 quid plus to get it back.
Harry & Wendy please note : if God created the North, Ken Livingstone has sure as shit created the South, ( well, London anyway ).
Be Warned !!!
Why would anyone want to take there car into central London? Compared with the rest of the country the public transport is so efficent there is no need for anyone (possible exceptions the disabled or those transporting goods) to block up the roads with their little metal only thing Ken Livingston has done wrong on this issue is not make the charge high enough or the area large enough.
Transporting goods is another , I would accept that some form of road transport is necessary for this, but I have often wondered why deliveries cannot be done more efficiently and perhaps outside of normal shoppping hours, therefore causing less problems to predestrians and other road users.
I wish all people thought like you and left their cars at home, but unfortunately they don't
do they.
If you don't like the sight of our ghastly lorries delivering the goods you buy, then I suggest you strike up a conversation with Tesco to work out what time is convenient for us to deliver the stuff you all want 24/ 7.
The reason you see our vehicles delivering from the road or across the pavement is due to the fact that inconsiderate car drivers have usually blocked the desgnated unloading area.
There's an old saying in the haulage industry :
I understand what your saying but given that we are currently being told that there is a national shortage of qualified HGV drivers and given that lorries take up so much room on our roads and emit so much pollution isnt it about time that this country looked at other forms of transport for goods?
The obvious solution is rail but it seems our present goverment is incappable of arranging a decent service for people let alone for goods!! The canals are also underused. Of course neither of these is going to get goods to central London branches of Tesco so some lorries are always going to be necessary.!
A more radical solution is neighbourhood shops that can compete with with major supermarkets. Govement could make this possible by lowering business rates for such shops and maybe even giving grants!! Radical but not only does it mean less lorries trainling to large stores but also means people dont need to take their cars to shop. Less pollution all round.
Quote by foxylady 123
public transport is so efficent there is no need for anyone (possible exceptions the disabled or those transporting goods) to block up the roads with their little metal boxes.

Efficient?!?!?! Have you ever been to London?
I drive across London from home to my office in about 35 minutes, using about a litre of petrol (80p). To do the same trip by public transport would involve 3 busses and 2 tubes, take around 2-3 hours, and cost about £5. Worse still, it all shuts down around midnight, so when I work later than that, I'd have to take 2 night buses, detour 5 miles the wrong way via traflgar square, and walk the last 3 miles.
London's public transport is dirty, overpriced, unreliable, and more importantly already full to bursting point. If car drivers were not taking much of the strain (and paying 624% tax on petrol), public transport would be totally unable to cope.
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, very frequently!! I always find the public transport so easy to use.
drive across London from home to my office in about 35 minutes, using about a litre of petrol (80p). To do the same trip by public transport would involve 3 busses and 2 tubes, take around 2-3 hours, and cost about £5. Worse still, it all shuts down around midnight, so when I work later than that, I'd have to take 2 night buses, detour 5 miles the wrong way via traflgar square, and walk the last 3 miles.
Then this is what needs improving, have yo done anything to get it improved?
London's public transport is dirty, overpriced, unreliable, and more importantly already full to bursting you think londons transport is dirty and reliable you want to see the train and bus stock we have to use, most of it is older than the Arc!!. U wish I could get a bus after 6pm, infact to be honest I wish I could get a bus without having to walk 3/4 of a mile to the dont know how lucky they are.
If car drivers were not taking much of the strain (and paying 624% tax on petrol), public transport would be totally unable to cope.
It's the old argument isn't it, trains v road.
Even if you had nice corner shops, you've still got to get the goods to them. A train can't do it.
As for public transport in London, trains and buses are just dirty cattle tucks aren't they.
This thread started off as me trying to save people anguish and money, but I've ended up
defending my existence as a truck driver.
Funny old world, innit
Thats the cafe mate, you never know how something will grow smile Hats off to you though from my side, heres a little true life tale you may find amusing:
Mate of mine going to be an emergency vehicle driver, at the police assesment...
Cop: What do you for a living
Mate: I'm a HGV driver
Cop: Ohh, where you work?
Mate: Central London
Cop: How long you done that then?
Mate: 5 years or so
Cop: So how many points on your license then?
Mate: None...
Cop: You drive HGV's in London, you have done it for 5 years, and you got no points, you could bl**dy well teach me to drive, wasting my time taking you out, anyways lets go...
(True Story)
Thanks TallnHairy
I've been driving these things for 28 years now and still got a clean licence.
Nice to know someone understands.
Np Mate,
I note I missed off the end of the story anyways, he got the job and a lot of people safer round here for him and what he does now smile In fact a few people only alive today because of him, he has personally pulled a few people back from deaths door...
Never argue with a fireman, anyone who drives an HGV like a rally car deserves some respect
I'm a fair bit older than you, but I'd like to buy you a pint of ale one day mate.
Don't worry, Mrs Benji will be there too.
Dont be so deffensive, you dont have to defend how you earn your living, its a good honest profession that will, as you say, always be needed, just that road transport shouldnt be used with out thought to the wider issues involved.
BTW, do you have one of those lorries with a cab over the driving seat??? lol
Dont be so deffensive, you dont have to defend how you earn your living, its a good honest profession that will, as you say, always be needed, just that road transport shouldnt be used with out thought to the wider issues involved.
BTW, do you have one of those lorries with a cab over the driving seat??? lol
Benjii, will hold you to that at next munch mate smile
Be safe... TnH
Hi Foxylady
Yeah, with a bunk in the back
foxylady 123 wrote:
The only thing Ken Livingstone has done wrong on this issue is not make the charge high enough or the area large enough.

Hear hear!
Research from the University of Lancaster reported today concludes that trains are not more environmentally friendly than cars. They have become so heavy complying with health and safety requirements and DDA compliance that they are less fuel efficient than cars per seat. The automotive industry has made great strides in fuel efficiency recently but the rail industry has gone backwards.
The big issue to be sorted is vehicle occupancy in cars to reduce congestion.
Anyway they now say that a family of four travelling in their car from Edinburgh to London is about as envirnmentally friendly as you can get.
Quote by foxylady 123
Then this is what needs improving, have yo done anything to get it improved?

Yes - I've been an active campaigner against the congestion charge, rip-off petrol prices and mad Ken's anti-car quango TfL, which with their policy of bus and cyle lanes everywhere and traffic lights sequenced to disrupt driving are the ones who caused most of the congestion in the first place.
Quote by foxylady 123
Then this is what needs improving, have yo done anything to get it improved?

Yes - I've been an active campaigner against the congestion charge, rip-off petrol prices and mad Ken's anti-car quango TfL, which with their policy of bus and cyle lanes everywhere and traffic lights sequenced to disrupt driving are the ones who caused most of the congestion in the first place.
Ah I see now, you dont want pedestrians to walk safely and cyclists to arive you also dont want the asthmatics to breath neither.
Must keep the cars going after all they are obviously all that matters.
Where on earth did you get those ideas from?
Unnesessary cycle lanes are being used by TfL purely as an obstacle to drivers, with no thought to the safety of cyclists. We've alread seen the first death due to this - take a look at
Obstructive traffic light sequences are being used by TfL to annoy dirvers so much they use alternative routes. Who is more likely to kill a pedestrian, an annoyed driver or a calm one?
As for athsmatics, try standing behind a badly maintained diesel powered London bus for a while and see if you still think modern small-engined cars with catalytic converters are the source of the problem. Cutting out all the obstacles to driving, and providing adequate parking, would allow drivers to get to where they want to be quicker, meaning their cars spend less time on the road, and put out less polution. TfL's policy is to increase journey times and therefore increase pollution.
Small other idea on this growing topic, electric cars in cities not that uncommon but they hit by same 'traffic calming'... The fuel source needs to be worked on, the idea of personal transport is not the problem, walking, bus, or driving, we're all people who need to get from a - b... modern transport policy seems to focus on making driving as hard as possible to 'encourage' us to use other methods regardless of enviromental impact, it about the latest fashon...
You ever tried to shop with a family on a bus? Mass transport has some answers, bikes another way, walking is good, but to try and 'push' people into them is not the answer. Making car drivers lives hell (like filling in all the bus stops to make busses act as a traffic calming measures) is just plain stupid. Its not traffic calming, its traffic annoying, and tense drivers are more likely to make a mistake...
How often I have been bounced around by 'Speed humps' doing 15 miles an hour in a 30 limit, I still get shaken up. You try that with a spinal casualty, or even the more common broken arm, it hurts... Lets focus on good cycle lanes, lets have good cheap busses, lets have well lit paths and good pedestrian lights or bridges over roads. All this is good.
Lets not decide that to have this we need to put lumps in our roads, slow everyone to 20 MPH so pedestrians can chose to walk out without looking more safely and get busses to drive slow down roads with no overtaking areas.
We need as much effort in keeping roads useable as everything else, good police work can easily catch speeders we dont need 'traffic calming'. Just because I need to drive to get to work I am just as 'good' a person as someone who live 5 minutes walk away from their office and walks, and have just as much right to get there.
So before anyone talks about more traffic calming think about this, would you encourage bus users to walk by removing the seats???
Well said.
TfL are already taking the seats out of tube trains just so they can cram more people in :-(
wow, a political debate on a swinger's forum!? :-) For you guys in central London, like my self, I recommend Rio's (sauna/swing club) as it's the most centrally located, convenient for tube, some good pubs close by. I walk home myself which gives me some time thinking about all the sexy fun that happened previously! :-)
yup, politics, life, the universe and everything smile Welcome to the cafe, meeting place of a thousand ideas, opinions, and occasionally (through other forums) members parts...