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Sex God
Now you lot know how I HATE incorrect grammar, punctuation and spelling and yet your persist in your bad habits!
Sends whole of thread into corner to stand for an hour
Sends whole of thread into corner to stand for an hour

Now you're getting the hang of it Jags. This is bringing out the dominitrice in you. Perhaps we'll see you at the party after all!
checks spelling and apostrophes before clicking on submit
Sex God
Quote by willxx69
Sends whole of thread into corner to stand for an hour

Now you're getting the hang of it Jags. This is bringing out the dominitrice in you. Perhaps we'll see you at the party after all!
checks spelling and apostrophes before clicking on submit
What makes you think I am a novice????? :twisted:
Jags wrote
What makes you think I am a novice?????

Excellent! I'll put you on the list then. Speaking as a novice I think we could do with some experience there.
Sex God
Quote by willxx69
Jags wrote
What makes you think I am a novice?????

Excellent! I'll put you on the list then. Speaking as a novice I think we could do with some experience there.
What makes you think I'm experienced???
Sex God
Quote by Sappho
Just a thought... where will the gentlemen stick their name badges so we can identify them?

Tie a loop of string to them, and see if you can find a suitable hook.
Who's volunteering to stand by the door attaching the name badges?
Warming the Bed
Count me in please..........
And yes, Will is a man of his word wink
Trust me on that!
Love and kisses
Sex God
GRIEF TAFF - I forgot about you lot.. been swanning around the country too!! I DO hope you stayed there, but you are now free.
x xx
Forum Virgin
Hi guys and girls,
Wow, so this is the sort of activity that goes on. What have I been doing with my life? All those of you who read my first (and last) post from a few days ago, will know that I am a swinging virgin, so am somewhat shocked (in the nicest possible way) at what goes on.
This leaves me somewhat confused - can anyone tell me why the rest of society is not doing this. I have obviously had my head buried in the sand for the past 28 years. Fantastic, keep it up.
A willing volunteer,
Soulja xxx
Warming the Bed
no message (How do you delete these?)
Warming the Bed
Hi, I'd love to come to this little soiree', trouble is when I get nekkid all the girls get jealous of my natural mink coat.
Ever seen a yeti serve party nibbles ?
Sex God
Whatever happened to this idea, Will? Or did it get gazumped by Munchfever?
Still keen to attend a gathering!
Sappho xxx
I simply love your CFNM idea, Top Marks Mate!
Your wish list of female attendees is unbeatable, but I can't help but wondering what the girls' wish list of male attendees would look like!
Any volunteer wish list compilers out there?
Allgood...Just ask anyone!
Sex God
Surely Will would have to be Master of Ceremonies, wouldn't he? Now who else should be in a state of natural born grace at the event...? Oooh, could this be an excuse for a top 10? No, perhaps not, it caused mayhem when it was tried in the GFZ!
Sappho - who will keep her own counsel on this particular issue! :twisted:
Will ... I have to ask this.... I thought the ladies at least in the general newspaper polls thought that we blokes looked somewhat daft in the buff....
Correct me if I am wrong ladies.... I am more than happy to be au naturel..
but I do have to say that I would prefer to be dressed by blue.... maybe a me thing.... but each to his or her own..
of course I would be most willing to serve as required whatever the required costume or no....
Will what a fantastic idea!!!
Sex God
Sarge, as Head of Defence (Northern division) you would be on duty that evening - so get your kit off there's a love.
Sappho, Minister for Intelligence xxx
Quote by Sappho
Sarge, as Head of Defence (Northern division) you would be on duty that evening - so get your kit off there's a love.
Sappho, Minister for Intelligence xxx

We can assume the Sargeant is now standing stiffly to attention Ma'am...
I beg your pardon Ma'am? No, that isn't a 'damned big gun' sticking out of the turret of his little tank Ma'am..I think he's getting ready for manouvres.
Quote by Sappho
Sarge, as Head of Defence (Northern division) you would be on duty that evening - so get your kit off there's a love.

My dear Sappho. As you are all too aware, as HoS(ND) it would be far too unprofessional of me to divulge my intended whereabouts on the night in question. Suffice to say that the safety of ALL SH "Members" will be uppermost on my mind that night as it is every night!! wink lol
Sgt Bilko
Now this thread seems more like it!
Wonder if it could happen when I'm staying further south than usual!
And during the week!!!!!
Hugs, Alex x x
This is rather spooky!! It is only over the last couple of days that I have been wondering whether to resurrect this idea - and hey presto, someone does it for me!!
I afraid that I am just about to go away for the weekend. Don't get excited, boys and girls. A family visit so no 'playing' involved sad . Not that I need it right now!! redface Could actually do with some recuperation until my knees stop wobbling!! :twisted: rolleyes .
Fresh on my return from the wet and windy wastelands of Norfolk (couldn't resist slipping in a bit of alliteration for my Shropshire readership!!) I shall give this matter some attention. Expect some PMs folks.
We may need some help with a venue. It has been suggested that a private dwelling may be necessary (rather than an hotel) as such events are rumoured to get more than a little raucous!! :twisted: :shock:
Toodle pip.
See you on Monday!
Endure Will.... thought you were going into therapy?..... see you monday...
shame you will miss GFZ ... Alex is dressed and ready going to have to do something about that woman!!!!
Now she is a puppy eater.... are there no ends to which this woman will not go?
Alex was that with Mayo and pickle?
Sex God
Quote by allgood
I simply love your CFNM idea, Top Marks Mate!!

Does that mean you'll be there - I'd like to see that Allgood. lol
Allgood...Just ask anyone
ANYONE??? Just how many people know you are Allgood??? rolleyes mad
Warming the Bed
No message - couldnt figure out how to delete this
Just wondering Challenge.....
why are you wanting to know peoples ages?
And surely half the fun would be just seeing how the night develops instead of putting your requirents up first!
Anyway - It's Will's call as it's his thread!
Sex God
Gman wrote:
Will... thought you were going into therapy?

Will did go into therapy in Shropshire - which is why he needs recovery in Norfolk. :twisted:
Love Sappho (all sweetness and light) xxx
Hi Sappho...
Glad the, (I was going to say young man but I suppose Will is some 350 or 450 years old now) well glad that he has undergone the therapy... sorry that he will be away for period of recovery.... wonder how long that smile on his face may take to lessen...
Elegant new Avatar Sappo..
Yes I agree Gman - Sappho's avatar is beautiful!
And never mind the smile on Will's face, I detect a glint in Sappho's eyes too!