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Changing your name?

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20 replies
2 watchers
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -
Oh good grief that couldn't really be her name could it?? lol
Would have to change it by deed poll......certainly puts being a "trace" into perspective!
Quote by kevinandtracy
Oh good grief that couldn't really be her name could it?? lol

Would have to change it by deed poll......certainly puts being a "trace" into perspective!

How much does it cost these days to change a name by Deed Poll ? (serious question by the way.
Quote by lynx28
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -

:shock: I know how she feels. I've been called that since I hit puberty rolleyes :lol2:
Quote by RedHot
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -

:shock: I know how she feels. I've been called that since I hit puberty rolleyes :lol2:
T_J hun looking at the pic I have I can not tell if you have one or not wink kiss
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -

:shock: I know how she feels. I've been called that since I hit puberty rolleyes :lol2:
T_J hun looking at the pic I have I can not tell if you have one or not wink kiss
Lmao Fred .... you read my mind .. i was just about to suggest she prove it ;) ;)
C x
Jeez _ I wanna be Demetrius Breedlove - that's it I've found my true destiny.
Quote by Calista
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -

:shock: I know how she feels. I've been called that since I hit puberty rolleyes :lol2:
T_J hun looking at the pic I have I can not tell if you have one or not wink kiss
Lmao Fred .... you read my mind .. i was just about to suggest she prove it ;) ;)
C x
"" Great Minds "" come to mind lol
Quote by westerross
Jeez _ I wanna be Demetrius Breedlove - that's it I've found my true destiny.

If only we could change user names, I so want to be called Mr Breedlove :P
Quote by lynx28
Jeez _ I wanna be Demetrius Breedlove - that's it I've found my true destiny.

If only we could change user names, I so want to be called Mr Breedlove :P
Tough shit - I got it first!! lol :lol: Just 'cos you introduced the thread - it don't mean you own it!! :lol: :lol:
Boy what a fantastic nic that would be! 'Course it's there for any smart cookie, who wants it.
Quote by Calista
Would you ever consider it?
You might if you were as unfortunately named as a poor lady on this site -

:shock: I know how she feels. I've been called that since I hit puberty rolleyes :lol2:
T_J hun looking at the pic I have I can not tell if you have one or not wink kiss
Lmao Fred .... you read my mind .. i was just about to suggest she prove it ;) ;)
C x
You jest people :shock:
Second pic from the left (top row) on our web site shows it clearly and so do a couple of others.
Failing that, ask anyone who's been to any parties I've been to and they'll be able to confirm it, since I'm not averse to flashing myself off in public :P lol
T_J my hun xxxx
When have you known me to perv web sites ??
I only have the one you sent me = anymore would send the pacemaker into "overdrive" lol
LOL I've seen that pic too ... was just chancing for another LMAO
I have to look twice on those pics .. I have a similar placed, sized tattoo :shock: and a similar pic ROFL
C x
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
T_J my hun xxxx
When have you known me to perv web sites ??

All the time mate . . . . :evil2:
Go on I dare you :twisted:
Quote by RedHot
All the time mate . . . . :evil2:
Go on I dare you :twisted:

lol Just found a new job down south >>>>
Selling Old age Cabbages to the not so needy wink
Fred ( gone looking for the Golden rivet) >>>>>> bolt :bolt:
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1

All the time mate . . . . :evil2:
Go on I dare you :twisted:

lol Just found a new job down south >>>>
Selling Old age Cabbages to the not so needy wink
Fred ( gone looking for the Golden rivet) >>>>>> bolt :bolt:
:shock: Fred! I never knew you were like THAT!!! :eeek:
Shall I tell the cabbage you said that? :twisted:
I used to go to school with a guy called chris munster,,oh how we laughed at registration time,,and I once got a letter from the local council signed by a bloke called ranjeet spandit couldn't speak for half an hour after seeing the signature lol
Quote by RedHot

All the time mate . . . . :evil2:
Go on I dare you :twisted:

lol Just found a new job down south >>>>
Selling Old age Cabbages to the not so needy wink
Fred ( gone looking for the Golden rivet) >>>>>> bolt :bolt:
:shock: Fred! I never knew you were like THAT!!! :eeek:
Shall I tell the cabbage you said that? :twisted:
Yep :lol:
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1

All the time mate . . . . :evil2:
Go on I dare you :twisted:

lol Just found a new job down south >>>>
Selling Old age Cabbages to the not so needy wink
Fred ( gone looking for the Golden rivet) >>>>>> bolt :bolt:
:shock: Fred! I never knew you were like THAT!!! :eeek:
Shall I tell the cabbage you said that? :twisted:
Yep :lol:
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I already did, but he said since he was a Royal, ie; much wiser than your average Matelot (which is not difficult!), he knows the Golden Rivet is just a myth. Shh! Don't tell anyone though :wink: :giggle:
I have a friend SWEARS he was in school with Ophelia Bottom.
You don't necessarily need a Deed Poll change. You can make it known to the relevent authorities (employer, bank, Inland revenue) that you want to be "Known As" whatever.
I seldom use my real forename.
used to deal with a company call Wayne Kerr, in east london. just imagine the fun we had with their cockney receptionist