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channel 5 cosmetic surgery

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19 replies
6 watchers
Forum Virgin
hi all gezz is any one watchin that progg on channel 5 some pretty heavy stuff
Quote by stevejohn
hi all gezz is any one watchin that progg on channel 5 some pretty heavy stuff

bugger i forgot :cry:
Forum Virgin
That was pretty gross - I think some people should be psychologically assessed before they go under the knife and what is with that penis splitting thing that they are showing on the next episode?????????
Forum Virgin
hey thats i i slid in sideways thats why i look so ugly n as for cuttin that guys/gals nob off phewie ouch
Quote by KellyJelly
That was pretty gross - I think some people should be psychologically assessed before they go under the knife and what is with that penis splitting thing that they are showing on the next episode?????????

oh that will be sex reasignment surgery ...YEA JOY!!! biggrin
Forum Virgin
hi rach
i must say from what i see of you you look nice have you had the same op?
Quote by stevejohn
hi rach
i must say from what i see of you you look nice have you had the same op?

nope no surgury yet , just hormones , but BRING IT ON DOC !!! wink
Quote by rachel-lane
nope no surgury yet , just hormones , but BRING IT ON DOC !!! wink

Cant help you rach, im not a doctor im a Gynaecologist (can't believe i
spelled that right) so after your op, i'll come and have a good look
at it for you :P
Think im glad I didnt watch it now :shock:
Quote by Trapper

nope no surgury yet , just hormones , but BRING IT ON DOC !!! wink

Cant help you rach, im not a doctor im a Gynaecologist (can't believe i
spelled that right) so after your op, i'll come and have a good look
at it for you :P
well i will have to sell my new found virginity on ebay first lol, and belive me there will be a full essay on the each cut, slice, tuck , and stitch , followed by pics ( for all gory fans ) not to mention all my whinges of missing out on all the fun for a following six months :cry:. so carry on with the thread, kinda feel ive hijacked it some what. maybe ill be on the next series, now theres an idea :idea: , now on with the thread , take it away .....somebody redface pls
Sex God
After I logged off here last night I caught the latter end of a documentary about people who want to have their legs amputated :shock: . There was one woman who wanted both legs amputated over the knees cos from being a very small girl she considered amputation "interesting" and she had always had the desire to live her life in a wheel chair :shock: :shock: :shock: . I've heard of people wanting to do this before, but I've never seen anyone actually talk about their motives - I have to say in all other respects she seemed very sane and "normal".
It sounds like they weren't doing it for cosmetic reasons in the usual sense, as in making themselves look what would be considered "nicer", but it certainly got me thinking about what people want to do to their bodies and whether amputation is just a very extreme form of body modification confused :? :? The woman was not allowed surgery for a double amputation either in the US or the UK. One of the psychiatrists who interviewed her was Dr Russell Reid, who is very well known in the trans community, and he was saying that wanting an extreme form of body alteration such as double amputation was mutilation.
Sorry, this is just rambling random thoughts at the mo cos I have a hangover, but I just thought it was really interesting and worth saying and wondered what others thought of this really extreme stuff :? ... And it is thought provoking, so should please Venus wink

Yuk YukYuk.... cant watch stuff like that on TV !!!
Same as horror films.......... just too much for me when I am home alone !!
If you are going to watch it make sure you aren't having a late night snack as it is hard to stomach. lol
I watched about 5 minutes of the one where the face was literally pulled back and scrapped then replaced and dived for the remote.
my sister was actually born without the lower part of her arm ( ends at the elbow) and im sure she would have a few things to say to anyone that was thinking about loosing limbs, she had alot of teasing when she was young, and when meeting new people she would cover her arm so no one could see, but now shes a bloody nut case when shes out drinking in town. she gets comments like wheres your arm!! , and her reply will be her and her mates dropping to their knees and scambling around on the floor screaming help!! ive lost me arm pmsl. or my personal fave, when someone just stares at her arm in amazement she goes wooooaarrrrrr and sticks it in their face lol
Quote by JudyTV
. One of the psychiatrists who interviewed her was Dr Russell Reid, who is very well known in the trans community, and he was saying that wanting an extreme form of body alteration such as double amputation was mutilation.

I have read several of Russell Reid's papers as I am sure you have blue, I have also watched several of his video lectures including some of his one on one Trans community interviews and even attended his seminars when I was involved with trans support work. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Reid and I admire his knowledge within the cosmetic surgery field he is a well known personality and in my opinion people would do well to listen to him.

awww we all love auncle russell judy, hes the only one that actually gives a shite, and has probberbly saved more transsexuals from suicide than any other doc in this country
Sex God
Quote by rachel-lane
. One of the psychiatrists who interviewed her was Dr Russell Reid, who is very well known in the trans community, and he was saying that wanting an extreme form of body alteration such as double amputation was mutilation.

I have read several of Russell Reid's papers as I am sure you have blue, I have also watched several of his video lectures including some of his one on one Trans community interviews and even attended his seminars when I was involved with trans support work. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Reid and I admire his knowledge within the cosmetic surgery field he is a well known personality and in my opinion people would do well to listen to him.

awww we all love auncle russell judy, hes the only one that actually gives a shite, and has probberbly saved more transsexuals from suicide than any other doc in this country
I have only met Dr. Reid once, but he struck me as one of the few people in his field who actually deserve the responsibility that these type of doctors have over many people's lives.
I watch this programme out of curiosity. I am appalled to see people who are perfectly alright having surgery to enhance parts of their anatomy like that page 3 girl. Her breasts were so beautiful, the natural curves, the bounce, the proportion to her chest.... but she went and enlarged them to these totally fake looking ones. The curve was lost, the bounce was lost and the first comment she made was that she would have liked them even bigger!
And what about the woman having a 'designer vagina'? Heavens forbid that men get the idea to start pushing us to go under the knife to get 'tighter' and 'prettier' down there! Honestly, I was laughing my head off when she said 'I used to have a pretty vagina before giving birth'... like what, did she spend day and night staring at her vagina?!! lol
However, it was interesting to see an abdominoplasty for that lady who lost some serious weight and ended up with flaps of skin hanging here and there. I can understand her going under the knife, not just for the cosmetic side of things but also for reasons of hygiene. Unfortunately they did not show enough of it - they just showed the abdominoplasty, not the breast and buttock lift or the work on her back. It would also be nice if they were to follow up people who have had major surgery as I understand that they have to spend months with drains attached to their bodies before the wounds heal fully and they have to change the dressings regularly.