After reading something jaymar put on my "Amazing TV" thread about the NSPCC advert i mentioned said advert in brief to a mate of mine who's other half does loads of voluntary work and fundraising for local stuff round our way.
He told me that it was a massive "con" as, out of the £3 a month you give to the charity, only around 90 pence of it actually goes to the "actual cause" that you are donating to!! Thinking he was "full of the proverbial" i have been on the wonderful inter - dot - web - thingy and looked round a few sites and he was actually right, with some charities getting even less than 30 p in the pound to the root cause of the problem they try to help!!
"Where does the money go then ?" i hear you cry, well on further investigation it appears that loads of these companies actually have to employ "big cheese's" to run the various parts that make up the whole of the charity such as paying for TV ad's, producing leaflets, paying for them to be delivered, making the bags that they send out for you to fill with your unwanted clothes/shoes etc, etc.
All these things cost the charity to produce, manufacture, print or deliver and they employ "directors" on huge salaries to oversee various parts of the whole process. I have just learned that only around 50% of people working for charities are doing it out of their own free will and the rest are payed employees!! :shock: :shock:
It makes me wonder whether or not i should bother putting money in tins any more or clothes in the bags that we get every week through the door.......
Is this paying for all of this stuff a "necessary evil" we have to endure to get even 30% of our money to the actual cause we want to help, because i can't help thinking its all a bit of a con? :jagsatwork:
Did anybody else know this and if so has it stopped you from giving your hard earned money to these charities?
I agree with you in many ways. Any organisation that has 'clout' can only do so with massive financial mechanisms going on behind the scene. Such financial structures can only be handled in the same way as any other 'big player'.
If there is a huge amount of money generated it may well sustain those who need it, but its more often than not; the salaries of 'professional volunteers' who benefit quite nicely out of it.
ive worked closely with the nspcc in the last 4 years.
what they do is far beyond what even i imagined.
they fund the childline service, providing professional qualified councellers dosnt come for free, and why should it. people cannot afford to not get paid for doing a highly stressfull job, that the advice they give can mould a childs future.
in an ideal world i would do my job for free, but in a ideal world there would be no need for people to do this job. these jobs are not highly paid.
The money that goes out to the other things that may not be considered as direct assistance bring in their own revenue again.
im sure any reputable charity has to jump through massive hoops and are audited and have a qaf
( quality assessmnet framework)to follow.
i understand the reaction, but a big cheese brings in big money or they wouldnt employe them.
maybe the issue should be is should there be the need for charities or should the government( therfore us in taxes) pay direct?
xxx fem xxx
i used to work for banardos, an oganisation that has minimal advertising compared to something like NSPCC (banardos does so little advertising that most people think they still have orphanages...despite a rebranding years ago...) however, banardos have twice as many actual projects running for children, families and young people that the NSPCC does (to my knowledge) as they prefer to spend thier money on services.
i dont respond to the kind of advertising were talking about here, i give when i can.
Talking about us all being taken in...
We have a collection every week of unwanted clothing brick a brack etc and someone took it on themselves to track what happened to all the stuff being collected.. Well, it turns out it all goes straight to poland and the like into shops with New tags etc..
Bloody thieves!!
Mike x
I get annoyed with those people that stand around the high street...usually on both sides so you can't avoid them...then pester you to sign up to Direct Debit...and they are not doing it for free either!
Boy when this subject came up I couldnt put pen to paper quick enough, or at least fingers to keyboard.
I worked for a national charity for thirty years, so I do know a bit about the game.
When I joined in 1966 we were told four shillings out of every pound went on admin, the rest went direct to the care of our aims.I do not know what the percentage is now, but if anybody wants to know any details of where their money goes write to the Director of the said charity and ask!! If it is a bona fide charity it will supply you with a full auditited account, passed by the Charity commisioners, and auditited by an independant company. They have to do this EVERY year with out fail, which is more than the EU does!!!!!
Yes the charity did employ very knowledgable persons, but they all had to earn their keep, if they didnt come up to scratch they are out!!! The charity gave me a reasonable livlyhood for all those years, but I had to graft for them, in the early years I had half a day off a week and one day off a month, which was not necessarily a Sunday, and I was available 24hours a day, the pay was not all that good as the powers that be said they wanted people for the job and not for the renumeration!!!
I could go on but I wont bore you all but just to say if the charity did not have knowledgable persons at the top they would not last the year out, and if anybody wants to know where their money goes write and ask, and they will tell you, if they dont report them to the Charity Commisioners.
If anybody wants to know more then send me a private pm and I will do my best to answer their query.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes but its late and I am tired!!!!
While i am sure a lot of charities do great work, the issue to me is that some charities should not NEED to exist in the first place.
The NSPCC should not NEED to exist.
Every child has the right to be protected and i think this responsibility should be in the hands of the like this should be completely government should it be down to a charity to make sure kids are protected.
There should be no need for "begging letters" and free pens in the post to try and raise money should already be there.
If anyone needs to know some more about charity funding and the rules and regs of charity collectors, please pm Sparky230, He sit's on the board on one the biggest charities in britain
Oh ffs you lot, lets be feckin honest here, the only reason there is a need for any “local” charity in the UK is because we are such a bunch of whiners when it comes to income tax.
An extra penny in the pound would fund the NHS for the next 40 years.
Another penny in the pound would eradicate child poverty in this country almost permanently.
Add one more penny in the pound and homelessness would be a thing of the past. So…….
Why do we need charities to try to provide the things that a truly humanitarian country would provide anyway? Well it just may have something to do with the inbred British hatred of deductions.
Having worked in the voluntary sector, the private, and the public sector, the greed of the British people saddens me beyond belief when it comes to taxes, yet at the same time, we are so ready to give to charity???
A few pence in the pound would solve so much if it was targeted and accountable.
<<<<<<<<<<<<< packs up his soap box for another year.
Bloody good subject by the way :thumbup:
Further to my post about working for a charity.
I heartily agree with the writer who said certain charities are , or should be unnecerssary, all health charities, Cancer, Alzheimers, MS etc., should be part of the National Health Service, as should be the childrens sociaties, in a welfare state all these should be covered. The only Charities that should not be covered are peoples interests, saving a railway line, preseving a building, saving an old sailing ship!!!or an animal charity, if you are into cats, or dogs or wildlife, then you should support them but as not all people like animals, why should they have to pay out for their support.
One final point, it only happened to me this very morning, I was stopped in the High Street by a student who wanted me to sign up fo some charity in Africa, telling me that 50% of the population were dying, through AIDS and lack of medication, I told her I was very sorry but I believe "charity begins at home" and besides if these African governments could afford tanks, guns, planes etc., and they all have nice little swiss bank accounts, which will support them when they are ousted from power, i.e. Ide Amin for example, then they do not need my money such as it is. The young lady was not impressed with my reply!!! Dear dear!!!
Now it is time I got off my soapbox, and I will let the matter rest.
I heard a local news report the other day that a crisis centre is able to stay open for another 12 months due to a one-off rescue package by Thames Valley Police and a local council but will have to find other funding to stay open after that. FFS this type of thing should be centrally funded by the government without doubt, as should a lot of the work that other charities do. And of course then charities wouldn't have to pay someone to raise the funds for them - I know some fundraisers work on a commission basis :shock:
Talking of charity cons the biggest con artist in the charity stakes is the St JOHN AMBULANCE,
They are a company limited by garuntee (sp) with charitable status,