I did actually speak to a few in the bdsm room.....but most people stay in the main room to watch the cams!
Maybe there should be a different room just for those on cam?
Maybe you should only watch cam if your on cam yourself?
Theres not much chatting going on!
Shame about all the freezing and the size of the screen.
A nice idea would be to bring back the old 'beta room' for those that just want to chat.
I never used the old black hole that was the beta room..
I am (fairly)reliably informed that some changes are planned for the chatroom...
Exactly what I am unsure as yet...
The room tends to freeze because it is a great drain on the resources of your pc.
I can offer no suggestion for that problem other than to perhaps try to tidy up your hard drive a little(may help who knows)...
Tidy up your hard drive....?
When i go in the chatroom.... I have nothing but probs... Wont let me type... screen jumps about....
I dont think its anything to do with tidying up your hard-drive as i have just done a reformat so there isnt any crap on mine...
So.. i have only 1 thing to say to u steve.......
Steph: those people drive me up the wall...in the space of 5 lines you get
"take your top off"
"show me your arse"
"show me your pussy"
"go lie on the bed"
"get closer to the cam"
all from 5 different people......i did ask some to 'just let the girl do what she wants to on cm' and got a mouth full of abuse hehehehe.............
as for the freezing. Its nothing to do with anyones PC, its the limited bandwith on the site and the zillion people all watching cams.........
Just to be clear....
I do cam on other sites and on my msn - where guys know how to still show RESPECT!
I do go in the chatroom from time to time for two reasons:
1- to watch the level of crap that is typed (it can be entertaining) and revert to piss-taking once the whispers become offensive.
2 - to make a mental note of the twats in there so when I spot their name on a PM - I can give a more detailed reason for telling them to fluck off!
i think the new chatroom is great if you don't wanna chat just go there because i can't get anything to work it is that slow my pet tortoise passes me when i'm typing now i know what hermits feel like
as someone who uses the chat room from time to time - the new version does get on my thrupneys just a little bit - it seems very cam focused now and well, ill be honest, it almost made me go out and buy a cam, but i dont think the room could handle another dick (he he he)
not that im a regular, or that well known in here, but has anyone noticed how many new members are joining (see member stats on left) and as i suppose they have to pay to play (as it were) now, they just sit in the chatroom acting all martin scorsese (or rocco sifredi - take ur pick)
not a fan of whispering as well - but hey, you caught me in a gripey mood!!!!
Hmmm... It's a pain.
Partly the people, partly the technology.
Short of compulsory neuteuring morons we're stuck with the first point, but the latter issue is annoying. I have used other chatrooms on the same software for nearly ten years and it still offers greater functionality for considered interaction than the mayhem of the new chatroom.
HorneyDerby76, good point regarding the average chatroom males directorial ambitions, but I think Paul Verhoven (of Showgirls infamy) is about the level of their asprations. Kurosawa they are not...
Ah well, I'm back in there to randomly shout out my age, sex and location and ask the all-to-few females present to perform like dancing bears for me. Seems to work for the other guys.
Cock of the North
Thanks Steve
pm on it's way