does anyone know of any good chat rooms on msn or for swingers???
rsvp please
ta very much
IMHO, You're better off downloading an IRC chat program such as mIRC, rather than using a web based one - faster, more versatile and much more choice of rooms. Pick a server from the list - I tend to use either starchat or undernet, then type !list and you'll get a list of (usually) thousands of rooms to pick from. #SwingingHeaven on , for example!
thanks for the info I'll give it a go tonite.
P.S never mind Mark I wont tell anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Quicky - if you have any probs/questions about mIRC PM me if you like, so we don't distract Mark from his Flintstones work! but "RTFM" first, of course!
Although on second thoughts maybe better posting it on here in case anyone else wants the info.
Hi all
Tried using Mirc as suggested and got hoplessly lost. Finally connected to a server and got a list of channels but how do i find ones related to swinging or anything else??
Two choices:-
1. just scroll down the channels until you see a likely(ish) title, then right click on it and select join channel. You'll usually get a "Message of the day" or MOTD giving more info, if not just watch the chat for a while. Warning: there are some VERY weird ones!
2. do a Google search for irc+swinging+sex+uk or something similar - some of the hits will be to swinging sites such as this one and will give details of the server (eg starchat) and the channel (eg swingingheaven)
You'll get a different list of channels for each server BTW (imagine the server as a tv company like sky or BBC - each have their own list of channels)
PS I'm logged into #swingingheaven right now so say hi if you find it!