the forum socials are so far apart!!!!!!!!!!!!
and always very well attended.....
but when was the last one near london?????
noticed etfcboys just started a thread for the next one (november) :bounce: :cheers:
so the room ones r good fill ins.......and some of the chat socials are advertised on here anyway
to be honest i think this is a resurrected forum / chatroom social munch debate which i was party too earlier in the year. still some interesting views but like someone else said i've only speed read this due to time factor, however lots of forum users views keep stating the chatroom peeps don't come into forum to get known etc, but do forum users reciprocate ie do they really venture into chatrooms it works both ways to get known.
can't post on individual comments as never made notes while reading 5 pages, tut. still all i wanna say is due to lack of meets here in notts/ derby area we started local socials here in january and they've grown in number since, from 11 at first meet to 42 at last meet. it's held in a vanilla public house and we've not had 1 single disturbance, we get 3 single fems most months who will tell you they feel very safe coming to them.
please don't be put off by lots of guys attitude in the chatroom, while they maybe 50 miles away on a computer full of bravado, if and i say if (cos like says 90% don't show) if they turn up they are the quiet ones, anyone especially single females should feel comfortable attending a local social just as much as they should attending there local pub,
just spent a merry hour or so reading all the pages and pages of thought on the subject of social meets vs forum munches and although we are way too new on this site to be able to offer a definitive answer we do feel we have something to say - and who knows it could be of some help and assitance to some.
as members of the site who have organised a number of succesful social meets we would offer the following thoughts/observations
1. yes these meets are cliquey - generally invites are given exclusively to no more than 10/20 people who have chatted regularly and have enjoyed each others 'company' in one or more rooms.
2. although every single person attending the meet is nervous the nerves disappear very quickly once the handshakes and smiles start appearing
3. the meets are open to any person(s) who have made an impression within any room that any of the regular room attendees use - but are only given out in confidence (normally by pm) with precise location staying secret till a few hours before
4. we would freely invite any of the forum regs/mods/chat room ops or forum users to come and join us in chat (most evenings in server 3 - BBW's etc) and you'll see that the deadhead brigade get short shrift and that most evenings there is a lively chat ranging over many subjects- although obviously not in the same depth that is done on the forum
if you can spend a few hours in the same chat room as us and still feel threatened or wary of social meets then perhaps chat room socials really are not for you - on the other hand we find an open mind will often lead to an open invitation to great socialising - whatever form that socialising takes
we hope that this adds to the debate and hopefully the invitation may lead to a few more crossovers - till eventually chat OR forum is not an option but crossover is the norm.
laff n chilli
We've never been to a munch as living in Norfolk they are all quite a we've never been invited to one as you usually have to know someone who can vouch for you. Now chat room socials are alot easier to attend they are usually local to start with and you dont have to know anyone just turn up and introduce yourself. Obviously you do have to be in the chat room to know about the 've been to one such social and it was a nice relaxed event and lovely to put faces to names.
the social i am tryiong to sort has been posted in the LMU and chat forum, and i also post a link in chat every now and then,
pls help us - wat is the LMU??
LMU - Lets Meet Up forums :thumbup: