i third that motion...... plus my eyesight isn't what it use to be... all too fast for me in there... lol
sean xxxxxxxxx
I think a few of the tw@s have spilled over into the forum unfortunatley of late.
In every walk of life you'll get twats and to be honest there's no point in wasting your time worrying about them.I use the chat room,not that i get the time to follow it that often these days,and yes there is some twats in there,but i ignore them.
The people in there that are great fun and a laugh are worth putting up with occasional twat for!
im banned and i havent even been there. :shock:
Hmm! I must be one of the "annoying twats" for I don't ever seem to get any grief in there ..... obviously I just get ignored!
I agree with a lot of these replies - it's way too fast to keep up and even when you do try to start a conversation, any replies you might get are lost in a tidal wave of texts - the advantage of this forum is you can take things at your own speed and actually have time to formulate your thoughts first!