It used to be illegal in Singapore but there were stories in the papers there last time I was out there (2.5 years ago) that they were going to allow "medicinal" versions to go on sale (after significant bullying from megacorps).
i hate seeing people chew gum
so yeah ban it .......... :twisted:
Here in Bournemouth we have notice boards about the size of an A4 sheet of paper, stuck to many of the streetlamps, bus stops, road signs etc.
These boards have paper surfaces with quaint notes written on them such as *stick it 'ere* or *I like being stuck up* *go on - stick one on me* and other witty (not!) sayings, and are designed to have used chewing gum stuck to them instead of on the street.
Each day the street cleaners remove the previous day's notice and put on a fresh one. I can't say I've noticed a reduction in the disgusting stuff under foot and the signs, all covered in assorted coloured, stale hardened blobs, complete with food particles from the users teeth, look positively DISGUSTING :!:
I've even seen seagulls and pigeons trying to peck the stuff off, which if they do eat it, will kill them within a short time as they get it stuck in their colon :cry:
I do use gum myself now and again, but I always wrap it in paper before discarding it.
I don't have a problem with chewing gum... I just wish she'd spit it out before she goes down.
For a long while now, my local swingers club has had C-gum banned (due to expensive clothing being ruined by the stuff being left carelessly around)
Yet despite this, how crazy is it, every now and then, when someone who is caught chewing and is asked to stop and dispose of the gum by a member of staff, do they start an arguement over the issue?
Firstly the rules were there before they were
Secondly, don't they see the common sense side of things?
grrr...some people :twisted: