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chief moo

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Hello everybody,
I know i am not really well known on here or a prolific poster in the forums. I just have sumthing i need to share wiv u this post is actually on behalf of my Fiance Chief Moo.
I am trying to be strong as i write this, but it just breaks my heart to even think about it.
Last nite, me and jimmy went out to meet sum friends for a cpl of drinks,and had a great time as we rarely go out. We really only had 3 or 4 steady drinks so was far from drunk but in a good pleasant mood.
We left the pub about 10(ish) to walk home. we live close to town, so its not far to walk.
As we walked thru the town centre, we noticed a lady with 2 men. she and 1 of the guys were arguing , i'd presume it was her b/f. I saw she was crying and i said to jimmy shud we ask if she was ok? But jimmy said its best we mind our own business plus theres already else sum1 there.
As we got a bit closer, it really started to get heated they both started fighting she was screaming, scratching and slapping him, The guy grabbed n,shook her then pushed her to the ground. we started walking slow as we cud see it was getting out of hand.
The guy grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet and then slapped her really hard, we cudnt belive wot we just saw especially as the other guy was just standing there doing nuthing.
Jimmy ran straight over and got in between them, he pushed the guy off the girl while i grabbed the girl just to see if she was ok, she was very hysterical shaking and crying. Jimmy told the guy we both saw everything that happened and that we were gonna report this to the police. He told us to F*** off and mind our own business, jimmy told him that no way was we gonna leave her wiv a pathetic so n so like him.
Jimmy turned his back to see how the girl was wiv me, when the guy starting punching jimmy in the back. Jimmys a big guy and turned round and punched the guy back , but the other guy jumped on him and they had a scuffle on the floor.
He didnt have a chance they both started kicking him like a fucking football. I screamed for help and sum indian guys come to us as we were near a take away. They must of saw wot happened and rung for an ambulence, i knelt down next to jimmy and saw he was bloodied and unconsious. It was horrific and surreal i have never experianced anything like this in my life and wud never wish it on my worse enemy. The guys from the take aways were life savers. both comforting me in the mess i was in i just wanted to hold jimmy in my arms but they told me i shudnt move him till the ambulance men got here in case his neck was broken.
I felt so helpless and powerless. As i was telling the guy from the take away wot happened, i remembered about the girl and looked to see if she was still around but just like her cowardly mates she was gone. apparently they was in the take away causing a scene in there, luckily they have got cc-tv and the video has been handed too the police.
By the time we got to the hospital, jimmy had regained consiousness. we discoverd that he had been stabbed 4 times, and had lost alot of blood, He has a slight puncture to his lung and a cpl of cracked ribs, a few stitches and sum are keeping him in hospital for observation, but luckily there shud be no real bad damage that wont heal over time.
He's absolutly fine mentally and doing alot better than me. After all that happened he still asked me wot happened to the girl and if she was ok? I told him that she just dissapeared as i got help. The police waited no time to get our statements and are taking it very seriously. Theres alot of cc-tv round the town so a very good chance it wud of been captured on camera hopefully. So the police have a good chance of getting the fucking basterds.
It might read a bit sketchy becos i'm still very shaken and my minds is all over the place. I just thought it was best that i posted the story here, as me/Chief moo have alot of true friends here and we wud like them to know wots happened and the reason why he might not be on for a little while.I just dont have the time to pm everyone telling them whats happened so Plz forgive me if i take a little time to get back to ur pm's guys, it wont be too long b4 we are both back on here posting as normal.
Thanks already for all the kind pm's i have been sent, they mean so much and are well needed right now.
Plz dont think Moo is a violent person he likes to look after himself but is defo not one that ever go's looking for trouble. He didnt even want to get involved at first. This mornin he told me wen he saw that guy hit that girl there was no way he wasnt gonna do sumthing about it and if we was in the same situation again that he wudnt hesistate to do the same again.
I'm not so sure i wud tho. is that wrong of me?
Luv Little miss 2hot2handle
I am sorry to hear that Littlemiss....
my thoughts are with you at the moment...
if u need someone to talk to we are here.
awww lm2hot2handle hunni xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and for jimmi xxxxxxxxxxxx
that is a terrible experiencce and mike said you know we are here if you wnat us
Babe .............. that is awful !
If you need someone to chat to............ PM me
Take care
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So so sorry to hear this .......
Hope he's on the mend and gets back here soon...
Dont no you that well but always around if you need to chat..
Hugs to you both
Jilly & Steve
i am so sorry to hear what happened, i hope moo makes a quick recovery, and i hope you do too, he has taken the physical beating, but you have had the mental one, im sure you know you have friends you can talk to, my pm is always open to you if you ever want to
I have been in a similar situation, wheras i was in no way going to walk by and see a man, no wrong word, male, hit a woman, i dont go looking for trouble, just like moo, but as soon as the guy hit her, i got involved, then so did 2 of his mates who were standing watching, this sounds selfish, but thankfully i didnt suffer too much
i wouldnt be surprised if knowing what he now knows, he would still go and help someone, i know i would, these shitbags should never get away with it
You've got a top fella there LM2H2H !!! All the best to you both.... and so glad he is going to be ok.
Well isn't that just typical, you go and try and help someone and they run off and leave you in your time of need, noone in their right mind would have walked by a woman being hit in the company for two men, i know i wouldn't, being a woman or not i would always try and help someone if i saw that, does make you realise you have to put your own safty first and if anyone else ever saw such a thing they should just call the police.
I truely hope he makes a full recovery and you are both ok and the sooner they catch the :censored: that did this the better.
My thoughts are with you both
you poor thing , i cannot even begin to imagine how awful that was to go through
i really hope they catch them and they get punished
i hope jimmy recovers quickly and is home with you asap
I've never met either of you, but I'm horrified to hear about what happened. I'm relieved to hear that Chief Moo is not more seriously injured. You're among good friends here, and you will be well looked after until you feel better. I can tell it took quite something to sit down and type that post to tell us all about it - you did brilliantly. I hope you soon feel better about things, it must have been an awful experience for you. Take things easy, don't feel you have to spend hours replying to messages in here straight away...hope you soon feel better.
Mike. x
My best wishes to both of you. There is nothing I can really say except
1. Get some help from someone like victim support.
2. I hope the police catch the b*******ds
3. Get well soon
Kaz xxxxxx
sorry to hear abut what happened hope u both ok and wish cheif moo a speedy recovery and hope ur ok to lm2 babesxxxxxxxxxxxxhugs n kisses we alwats here for yas as friends hunsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lil Miss, our best wishes and thoughts are with you both.
If you need anything at all, just give us a ring,
Tell the "Moo Man" that we love him loads n send our very best wishes
Special Love n Kisses
Dino n Hornyred. XXXXXXX
i am crying here babes.......i am so shocked............. i am going to pm you now as you dont live to far away
Lm2hot, I am really sorry to hear what has happened to Chief and I wish him and you a swift recovery from this terrible incident. Let's hope something has been picked up on CCTV that will enable the Police to do something.
It's understandable that you would feel wary about intervening again-you witnessed something truely frightening and as a result of your concern towards this woman, you have seen someone you love dearly hurt for his courage and sense of morality in assisting this female stranger. mad Don't give yourself a hard time about that, you both reacted to the situation at the time and the end result was far from perfect. Undoubtedley if Chief was unhurt, the female safe and the scumbag twat who thinks it's ok to hit a woman was locked up, you would probably not have these doubts-but things didn't turn out that way and you have to be realistic.
I can understand where Chief is coming from as well, as I am one of those people that can't turn a blind eye. I have stuck up for countless mates, taken a beating once and given it back, yet still I am usually the first person to break up an arguement/fight or try to 'put things right'. It's automatic-a reaction.
You can't really predict how you would react in any situation until you are faced with it ( there is probably a psychological term for this but buggered if I know lol) Personally I think you did the right thing by intervening, in hindsight you would probably say I wish we had walked past, but you didn't and guys my hat is off to you both kiss
Best wishes to both of you and if you need me you know where I am.
Minx x x
Give our best to Chief Moo, LM2H2H. Hope he recovers fast and well. Always thought he was a top guy.
Little Miss,
I dont know you or Jimmy but my heart goes out to the both of you, reading your story has brought a tear to my eye, no doubt like many others reading the terrible ordeal you both went through.
A speedy recovery to your Jimmy and do take care of yourself, sounds like you have some wonderful friends on here that will do all they can to help you through. Fingers crossed that justice is done and the thugs are caught.
Take care
for what its worth my 10p's.....
firstly a massive pat on the back to your fella and you for being brave enough to jump in and stand up for someone, the so called 'knight in shining armour' is a very rare thing in this day and age.
i know it has all ended in a mess and injuries, but i myeslf would rather go through that than walk on by.
i wish you both all the best and hope he makes a full recovery quickly.
I`m so sorry to hear whats happened Lm2h2h to Moo and yourself.
I wish Moo a speedy recovery and i hope they catch the spineless bastards
who did this to him.
Lots of hugs and special thoughts are winging there way to you both. kiss
sierra and grimpol x x
Hugs to you both kiss
Get well soon Moo ...
Calista & Morbius
Jimmy did the "right thing"
You did the "right thing"
If faced with another challenge, I'm sure he'll do the right thing again.
I wish you both the same amount of luck in recovery, as kept Jimmy's injuries low, manageable and treatable.
We should all be grateful that people like Jimmy Moo exist, whether appreciated or not.
I wrote a long response, but really it all boils down to much respect for you and chief moo. If only more people cared in this world, it seems to be a swingers thing. So many swingers I have met are those who would go to anothers aid.
I am horrified to hear of what happened, but relieved to hear he will be ok. You focus on that Little Miss, not what happened, but that he is ok and will get better. Much hugs for you both.
Unfortunately sometimes, such is the price of being a hero - and people like Chief Moo are heroes in my book. Instinct takes over lots of us when we are faced with victimisation and we act regardless of our own safety. I applaud what you did Chief Moo and I wish you a speedy recovery cool
Thanx friends xxxxx
(thats all of u)
I have been on here nearly all nite (mostly chatroom) and cannot thank u all enuff for all the kind words.
Today has been very tuff for me, but the support from everyone is making it so much easier to cope.
I'm kinda stuck for words at the moment,but at least have had a smile on my face. I am absolutly shattered so gonna hit the sack.
I will keep u all posted,
Good nite everyone.
Love Lm2h2h
He did the decent thing - as many decent people would have done.
Shame it was wasted on a cowardly scumbag.
I don't know you either but had to say how sad I am to hear about this. Your poor fella.....he was only trying to help out - shows you that you cannot do the right thing these days.
I hope he feels better soon.
Can only say I hope sincerely that you get well and prayersd are with you both.
Nothing else to say that would help bar you did everything right. Thank your god for good guys in takeaways.
Sorry to hear this. You two seem like a lovely couple.
It probably doesn't seem like it now but what Chief Moo did was a very brave thing so much respect to him for that. Certainly makes me feel safer knowing someone like him might be out there if ever I'm in trouble like that.
Hope he makes a speedy recovery and that you are ok too LM2H2H.
Best wishes,
All I can say is I hope Chief Moo makes a fast recovery. You both did a really courageous thing, and I am so sorry to hear that it turned the way it did. I hope they catch the bastards.
Best wishes to you both.
Keep strong over this and take as much support from here as you need - for both of you. The outcome may not have been the best, but his actions were. I hope he doesn't change, we need more people like that who are prepared to stand up for what is right, regardless of the consequences.
Best wishes to you both and a speedy recovery.