I've still got my Big-Trak and have hidden it from my son, will get some batteries in it 1 day.
Had a BMX as all kids do.
Think most of my Xmas pressies from the age of 10 were either fishing rods or pressies that my older sis got bored of and gave me when they were broken.
Only the BMX and Big-Trak springs to mind but I am scrooge and tend to forget these things.
OOoOooo remember an old Great Aunt that always used to get me sugared almonds, what ever kid wants :lol2:
Is this the same Tweeky who implies he suffered so much at the hands of Thatcher's government?
Without doubt the very best gift I received as a child was a "65 in 1" electronics kit. It was just mind blowing. My parents and older siblings pooled their gifts to secure it for me. I would have been about 9 or 10 I think. I still have it of course. Here's a picture.
There were too many exciting aspects to mention them all but a major thrill was that being an american kit, it included instructions for a radio transmitter and huge warnings about the illegality of building and using it in the UK. So I built it and it worked. The major issue was batteries of course, so I used to wire in bloody great big blue ever ready 6v units.
When i was 9 years old my best present was a blue Royal Enfield push-bike 26" racer. ordered from next doors catalogue.(my parents didn't have much money). It arrived Christmas day and it was the best thing I'd ever seen. i rode it all week and loved it to bits. Some arsehole thief broke into my shed and stole it. I never got it back and never got another bike.
my worst present was an Airfix kit of a battleship that was so complicated i ended up gluing all the bits together to make extra weapons for my action man. my dad gave me a row. lol
Great memories though!
i remember one xmas when i was about 7 my parents getting me a train set. my father had laid it all out over xmas eve. it is a memory i cherish.
All my childhood I wanted Meccano and Action Man. I got - dolls. Every bloody year another damned doll. I am now an engineer - so clearly the not-so-subtle gender reinforcement didn't take.
I finally got a meccano set at 15 - very funny Ma, thanks.
My best memories of Christmas gifts would be waking up to all 3 of us kids having a new bike each. I lnew we were hard up so was well impressed. That and the stocking - always teh same things - satsuma, chocolate coins, nuts, a small book of some kind, a puzzle - metal or wooden - and maybe a pair of mittens or silly socks.
We do the same now. (Well, I do obviously).
When I was about 9 I told my Mum and Dad that I didnt believe in Santa. They told me that if I didnt believe in him, my present would turn to stone.
On Christmas morning I unwrapped a brick!!
They werent quite that cruel though, they had bought me a bike and left it out in the garden with a big bow on it.