Yesterday I went to an afternoon showing of the new Bridget Jones film (rated 15) at a local cinema. There were several groups of girls in the auditorium who I swear were no older than 12. I have since learnt that one of my own relatives took her 13-year old daughter (who is quite tall) to see the Bridget Jones film!
So what do you think about film ratings, especially those of you with kids? Are they to be taken seriously or not at all?(That's the ratings, not the kids!). I must say that I found nothing in the film that really warranted a 15 rating.
(Sorry I'm addicted to brackets!)
Dont have any kids but i know when i was one it was a big thing to get into an 18 rated film, i think now adays though with kids being able to download DVDs and with the amount of piracy about its common place for kids to be talking about the latest 18 rated releases and no one bats and eyelid. Kids today are exposed to so much more far earlier then when i was a kid
omg that makes me sound really old - im only 29 lol
my daughter had a local school bus pass but was charged full price for a 15 cert film
when i were a lad, i went to see john carpenters..the thing, that was an 18 rating at the cinema......i recently bought it on dvd...15 cirtificate, and yet, the same film, and i have noticed the same for quite a few other films.
The 12A rating can be a pain when you have little kids in the cinema who don't know how to be i can i will go up the west end to see a film just to avoid the hordes of teenagers.