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circumcised vs foreskin

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 Emma likes a penis that shows off its bell-end, lucky for me mine is on show all the time, what do people prefer?

mine is uncut, but its always good to see a big helmet on show

I’m quite attached to my foreskin. wink.gif 

Honestly dosn't bother me either way. As long as it dose the job.

My foreskin goes right back anyway..But Dee is sometimes disappointed on meets, if the foreskin does not roll back on guys and she ends up blowing a lot of skin. 

Quote by MrandMrsBad
My foreskin goes right back anyway..But Dee is sometimes disappointed on meets, if the foreskin does not roll back on guys and she ends up blowing a lot of skin. 

 and a very fine helmet it is!

My mans foreskin is not cut, but always sits behind the head of his cock anyway showing the head. I don't really like them where it has to be pulled all the way back before access, but then, they're all nice.

Im uncut and have no problem pulling right back to show off 'bell-end', kind it gives it added protection when its tucked away in my boxers.

Never had any issues or complaints.

Im not cut, but can get my forskin back behind the bell no problem Its never really come up as an issue for me before to be honest

I have to have a surgery to get my foreskin removed.. was due for the 9th! but cancelled due to COVID. dreading the painful recovery! but I happen to think cut looks better visually. so we shall see! 

Referred to by a older bloke I worked with as a trainee as: 

Cavalier, or Roundhead.

Only strikes me now as I write this that because he was asking which i was, maybe he aas enquiring for more😲

I prefer uncut, as long as the guy has high standards of personal hygiene (!).

I never know quite what to do with cut cocks; I always suspect them of being more sensitive than they actually are so probably more delicate with them than I need to be.

I’m cut, and I think a cock looks better without the skin...just my humble opinion!

I am very attached to my foreskin, so attached that it hurts when I pull it. Suppose its quite flabby you could get your tongue under there and probably a whole lot more. I dont think you could smuggle bottles of whisky though LOL.

A bloke down my rugby club had a huge foreskin, like a windsock. His party trick was to fill it up with coins. He claims to have stuffed in loose change in there. His nickname was 'The Pelican' 

Only thats not a lot I will have to try and then we can talk about it.

I am cut but would love to play with a foreskin....

thats a bit random pantieperv, that you just wnt to play with a foreskin, do you want a cock inside it also !!!?

I was circumcised when I was 9, bit painful and traumatic but my foreskin was too tight and wouldn't retract.

I love the result, and so do people I've had sex with since. In my case, like most cut guys, it makes the head look rmuch bigger and more bulbous than if I had foreskin, guess I've lost the constriction. 

In one mmf 3sum I had they were both admiring it - the other guy was uncut and his glans was only about half the size of mine, big turn on.

I've been blessed with quite a thick cock - in fact while bored during lockdown I measured it and found it is exactly thicker than average, which is nice. Comments on it welcome....

Hey Eddie, can I rely on that measurement bein circumference ?

my foreskin rolls all the way back easily and and do love it rolled back and Pleasured 

I’m cut myself, have been since a young age, so I’ve never known any difference! Can’t recall any complaints, but I guess when you’ve got to the point of already being naked together, it’s probably not going to make a difference to the outcome 

When my cock is hard my foreskin usually is back off the helmet leaving it fully exposed  

I got cut out of choice when I was 27, much prefer the cut look

I like the cock to be totally different to my own!

Adult size with foreskin and nice big balls . When a black foreskin is pulled back revealing the gorgeous helmet it makes my quiver x

To be honest I don't think it matters too much either way. That said I have loved the look of a tight foreskin over a big head as I've slid it back and forth xx

i have always tended to cum to soon and i have always put it down to being cut

I was circumcised 5 years ago in my 50s . And i love it. I am diabetic and contracted pryronies disease with a srvere curvature. An operation straughtened tge penis but left too much foreskin such that i had problems peeing. So i had a low loose foreskin removal brilliant. Half head covered but full retraction when hard. I prefer to go pubic hairless so shows off nicely.