Clapham is in South London
a couple of burnt out escorts near me... one or two rather beaten-up models... most probably already stolen though... certainly the side windows have already been knocked through and radios removed....
.... also, Im more Battersea rather than Clapham, so perhaps not the area in which you're interested.
Hmm, after reaading your profile i have only 1 question.
Do you prefer driving an escort bareback too?
Ford recommend you dont do this as its been proven to be dangerous in the N-cap safety tests.
It certainly is and if not it's at least embarrassing when you turn up at the interview in best suit and tie and don't notice the telll-tale signs on the trousers from all the excitm...errr...wasn't me, honest.
Escorts like all Fords can be taken my anyone, they are so easy. So if you are looking to keep it for more than five minute try a mini.