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Cock suck update

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Quote by meat2pleaseu
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
edit: damn you colts and you quick posting fingers, you've messed up my emoticons pointy up laff at blues comment thing, grrrr :boxing:

apologies young sir, redface , would move it, but head isnt working today :cry:
and here's me thinking you found mine funny confused rolleyes oh the shame and embarasment :P
Quote by Colts23
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
edit: damn you colts and you quick posting fingers, you've messed up my emoticons pointy up laff at blues comment thing, grrrr :boxing:

apologies young sir, redface , would move it, but head isnt working today :cry:
and here's me thinking you found mine funny confused rolleyes oh the shame and embarasment :P
been meaning to ask, is the Av from a Chris Cunnigham/Aphex Twin video?
nope.....tis moi :P
except it makes me look like i have an afro, but is actually the flash lol
would of done it in normal colour, but was during winter and was far too white, after not seeing the sun for a while :lol:
Warming the Bed
Why are you guys so nasty to me?
A good fulfilling sex life is important to me. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything they don't want. Yes my needs are important because they is no point in being a relationship if you are not happy. That isn't good for anyone.
I kind of need somewhere to discuss this but I think this is the wrong place. sad
sounds like a lot of these boys have got some growing up to do...........
am sorry sad was said in jest :P .....which is probably not what you wanted to hear redface
anyhow, hope things get better and chin up etc..........would give advice, but terribley bad at it :shock:
Quote by hateitorloveit
Why are you guys so nasty to me?
A good fulfilling sex life is important to me. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything they don't want. Yes my needs are important because they is no point in being a relationship if you are not happy. That isn't good for anyone.
I kind of need somewhere to discuss this but I think this is the wrong place. sad

It wasnt necessarily my intention to be nasty......... but to me being in a relationship where there is love, affection, trust and respect is more important than my own needs and wants. What drives me isnt what I want but what Calista wants/needs, if that means I have to 'suffer' and go without something I enjoy then so be it... and I know she feels the same.
A relationship, as I said before, is give and take and your initial post(s) sounded like you were more interested in having your cock sucked and that making you happy than you were/are about working at a relationship and gaining 'mutual' saticfaction.
sounds like your in a relationship for the sex rather than enjoying someones company and just wanting to be with them......not good. she does sound like a manipulative lil bitch tho so what the hey you probly make a good couple! of course if she is the type of lass that cant even bear to touch a cock that could be a prob,i had a gf like that for about 7 months and it wasnt the best. it was doubled the stress when i found out she wouldnt let me go down on her!!!!! what a strange girl she was......turning down a tongue-lashing! wierd thing was that she dumped me in the end for being too affectionate, and cos i ran out of money trying to get her out of debt.
I would have thought that her ability to cook and clean and having small hands and feet were far more important attributes.
Here's my take.
A relationship, whether it be an intimate and monogamous one, or a friendship, or a tolerance of someone that you clash with on occasions but in the main you are affable, is a compromise.
If there's something that really pisses you off then do something about it, if it's not really that important to you then let it slip.
Let's change the context a little, imagine that you have a habit that she finds distasteful, like, maybe knitting! You would love it if she would come to the Knitting Society on a Wednesday, but she just doesn't want to, what would you do?
It depends how important it is to you, if it's critical, the be all and end all in your life then make tracks, if you are prepared to compromise and just not discuss the knitting then that's great. Coercion ain’t gonna work, mate. Change your priorities or change your girlfriend.
I don't think this guy deserves anger because it's important to him, although I do think his priorities are out, he has a right to set them for himself.
Sex God
Quote by marmalaid
Here's my take.
A relationship, whether it be an intimate and monogamous one, or a friendship, or a tolerance of someone that you clash with on occasions but in the main you are affable, is a compromise.
If there's something that really pisses you off then do something about it, if it's not really that important to you then let it slip.
Let's change the context a little, imagine that you have a habit that she finds distasteful, like, maybe knitting! You would love it if she would come to the Knitting Society on a Wednesday, but she just doesn't want to, what would you do?
It depends how important it is to you, if it's critical, the be all and end all in your life then make tracks, if you are prepared to compromise and just not discuss the knitting then that's great. Coercion ain’t gonna work, mate. Change your priorities or change your girlfriend.
I don't think this guy deserves anger because it's important to him, although I do think his priorities are out, he has a right to set them for himself.

Yep, what he said makes sense.... but I still think cock sucking is a silly idea.... kinitting is much more sensible. Do that instead.
Quote by Morbius
Why are you guys so nasty to me?
A good fulfilling sex life is important to me. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything they don't want. Yes my needs are important because they is no point in being a relationship if you are not happy. That isn't good for anyone.
I kind of need somewhere to discuss this but I think this is the wrong place. sad

It wasn’t necessarily my intention to be nasty......... but to me being in a relationship where there is love, affection, trust and respect is more important than my own needs and wants. What drives me isn’t what I want but what Calista wants/needs, if that means I have to 'suffer' and go without something I enjoy then so be it... and I know she feels the same.
A relationship, as I said before, is give and take and your initial post(s) sounded like you were more interested in having your cock sucked and that making you happy than you were/are about working at a relationship and gaining 'mutual' satisfaction.
I don't think that I've ever taken issue with anything you've ever said, Morbius, probably because I loves ya biggrin and I'm not gonna take issue with what you've said here, but I think there is a side you are not considering, or if you are considering it you're attaching the importance that is understandable from a guy that has his perfect match and is totally happy with her.
It sounds to me like this guy is only in the beginning stages of his relationship and is working out whether she is right for him, it's much better to be critical at this stage and to get 10 years down the line and split. If bj's truly are that important to him, then better for him to say so and leave, than for him to cajole his girlfriend into going down on him.
Respek to the M and the C
Quote by bluexxx
Yep, what he said makes sense.... but I still think cock sucking is a silly idea.... kinitting is much more sensible. Do that instead.

Can we have that (knitting) as the theme for your next party? (if there is one and I'm invited!) Alternatively, do you think that the GamesMeister can amend his game approriately?
Sex God
Quote by marmalaid
Yep, what he said makes sense.... but I still think cock sucking is a silly idea.... kinitting is much more sensible. Do that instead.

Can we have that (knitting) as the theme for your next party? (if there is one and I'm invited!) Alternatively, do you think that the GamesMeister can amend his game approriately?
Just to give the gamesmaster some ideas:

Quote by marmalaid
Let's change the context a little, imagine that you have a habit that she finds distasteful, like, maybe knitting! You would love it if she would come to the Knitting Society on a Wednesday, but she just doesn't want to, what would you do?

Youre still bitter arent you? It was only 2 hours on a wednesday ffs, you'd think she could have made the effort!
Quote by marmalaid
Why are you guys so nasty to me?
A good fulfilling sex life is important to me. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything they don't want. Yes my needs are important because they is no point in being a relationship if you are not happy. That isn't good for anyone.
I kind of need somewhere to discuss this but I think this is the wrong place. sad

It wasn’t necessarily my intention to be nasty......... but to me being in a relationship where there is love, affection, trust and respect is more important than my own needs and wants. What drives me isn’t what I want but what Calista wants/needs, if that means I have to 'suffer' and go without something I enjoy then so be it... and I know she feels the same.
A relationship, as I said before, is give and take and your initial post(s) sounded like you were more interested in having your cock sucked and that making you happy than you were/are about working at a relationship and gaining 'mutual' satisfaction.
I don't think that I've ever taken issue with anything you've ever said, Morbius, probably because I loves ya biggrin and I'm not gonna take issue with what you've said here, but I think there is a side you are not considering, or if you are considering it you're attaching the importance that is understandable from a guy that has his perfect match and is totally happy with her.
It sounds to me like this guy is only in the beginning stages of his relationship and is working out whether she is right for him, it's much better to be critical at this stage and to get 10 years down the line and split. If bj's truly are that important to him, then better for him to say so and leave, than for him to cajole his girlfriend into going down on him.
Respek to the M and the C
Very true Marms, and yes I s'pose I had overlooked that possability.
However the point i was trying to make was no matter how long the relationship has been going for I agree with you and there should be no attempt to cajole anyone either way.
And I must add that only a nutter that walks around with size 'god knows' Y-fronts AND a red thong would come up with a knitting analogy rotflmao
Quote by Colts23
completely agree with blue, the whole idea is disgusting!!...
don't you know that where wee comes out

Hold on a minute I've just realised something :doh: .................
Calista assured me when we got together that a blowjob is where a woman gently blows in your ear................. are you now trying to tell me its not and that it has something to do with a willy????? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Warming the Bed

That is it exactly Marmalaid. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying a relationship is all about great head...but I do want a relationship where we can fulfill each others needs. i just have to work out if this is something that can be sorted. But I want to do that through reasonable, unpressured adult discussion rather than coercion.
Is it wrong of me to feel this way about sex? Am I sick? I mean I like sex. It is important to me. I want a great sex life and with girlfriends of the recent past I have had it.
Blowjobs aren't that bad are they? I have had girlfriends who couldn't keep off the thing. I love going down on a woman. I don't want to be some bitter old man looking back on my life and cursing at my sexual repression.
This is really getting me down. Why can't life be simple.
I have been out since my last post so missed it all lol
Right now i'm my opinion anyone who has to come on a web site and ask a bunch of stranger if they should dump their partner or not simply isn't happy, and u don't need us to tell you that you should get rid of her and move on, and not giving u a bj has nothing to do with it in my opinion the fact you feel you need to ask us what to do for whatever reason shows your not happy, you have tryed talking and you are still not satisfied with the out come so matey its time to move on, if the women don't like bjs she don't like bjs end of and if having a good sex life is what your looking for and shes not offering it you then u have to tell her. smile
Warming the Bed
Reading some of the posts here makes me so sad. I am a " nasty piece of work" because I like sex. What am I supposed to do? Go through life not getting what I want? Not discuss what i want with my partner? Just accept it...
One of guys said you think my girlfriend doesn't actually like me. Maybe that is true and I will have to discuss that with her. But how can I phrase that "I don't think you like me because you aren't willing to do things to please me" without putting pressure on her...
Warming the Bed
Quote by naughtynymphos1
I have been out since my last post so missed it all lol
Right now i'm my opinion anyone who has to come on a web site and ask a bunch of stranger if they should dump their partner or not simply isn't happy, and u don't need us to tell you that you should get rid of her and move on, and not giving u a bj has nothing to do with it in my opinion the fact you feel you need to ask us what to do for whatever reason shows your not happy, you have tryed talking and you are still not satisfied with the out come so matey its time to move on, if the women don't like bjs she don't like bjs end of and if having a good sex life is what your looking for and shes not offering it you then u have to tell her. smile

That isn't it naughty. I cam here because I want to anonymously discuss a serious and sensitive topic. I'm not putting it up for the public vote - should i dump 'er yes no. I'm asking advice of a group of experienced, sexually confident people so that I can find ways to resolve a delicate personal problem without hurting anyone.
Quote by Morbius
Why are you guys so nasty to me?
A good fulfilling sex life is important to me. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything they don't want. Yes my needs are important because they is no point in being a relationship if you are not happy. That isn't good for anyone.
I kind of need somewhere to discuss this but I think this is the wrong place. sad

It wasn’t necessarily my intention to be nasty......... but to me being in a relationship where there is love, affection, trust and respect is more important than my own needs and wants. What drives me isn’t what I want but what Calista wants/needs, if that means I have to 'suffer' and go without something I enjoy then so be it... and I know she feels the same.
A relationship, as I said before, is give and take and your initial post(s) sounded like you were more interested in having your cock sucked and that making you happy than you were/are about working at a relationship and gaining 'mutual' satisfaction.
I don't think that I've ever taken issue with anything you've ever said, Morbius, probably because I loves ya biggrin and I'm not gonna take issue with what you've said here, but I think there is a side you are not considering, or if you are considering it you're attaching the importance that is understandable from a guy that has his perfect match and is totally happy with her.
It sounds to me like this guy is only in the beginning stages of his relationship and is working out whether she is right for him, it's much better to be critical at this stage and to get 10 years down the line and split. If bj's truly are that important to him, then better for him to say so and leave, than for him to cajole his girlfriend into going down on him.
Respek to the M and the C
Very true Marms, and yes I s'pose I had overlooked that possability.
However the point i was trying to make was no matter how long the relationship has been going for I agree with you and there should be no attempt to cajole anyoneeither way.
And I must add that only a nutter that walks around with size 'god knows' Y-fronts AND a red thong would come up with a knitting analogy rotflmao
Quote by Colts23
completely agree with blue, the whole idea is disgusting!!...
don't you know that where wee comes out

Hold on a minute I've just realised something :doh: .................
Calista assured me when we got together that a blowjob is where a woman gently blows in your ear................. are you now trying to tell me its not and that it has something to do with a willy????? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Are you sure?

Aw go on!
go on, go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on,go on
i do not think your a nasty piece of work lol
everyone on here wants a good sex life thats why we are here, if i had only been going out with someone for such a short time and i felt unhappy about something i would tell them if it didn't change i would leave, how on earch can you look long tearm if you not happy after a couple of months.
Quote by Morbius
And I must add that only a nutter that walks around with size 'god knows' Y-fronts AND a red thong would come up with a knitting analogy rotflmao

Those things came from me, do you have a point to make here? If so I'm missing it biggrin
Quote by Happy Cats
Youre still bitter arent you? It was only 2 hours on a wednesday ffs, you'd think she could have made the effort!

Exactly! Now don't rub it in! I'm off for a :cry: now!
Right, thats it!
Wheres the, killing yourself with a samurai sword, emoticon?
Warming the Bed
I know naughty thanks. You are right. It is just nice to discuss it. Although to be honest this has left me feeling more confused and to be honest quite down on myself.
For what its worth my Mrs was married for !3 years and never sucked her now ex husbands cock. She sucked mine the first time we had sex. Not sure what I am trying to say but it may be she isn't keen on you and not the act itself. As said before dump her. lol
Quote by Happy Cats
Right, thats it!
Wheres the, killing yourself with a samurai sword, emoticon?

why use an emoticon? bolt
and wouldn't it be committing 'Happy Catty'?
Quote by hateitorloveit
That isn't it naughty. I cam here because I want to anonymously discuss a serious and sensitive topic. I'm not putting it up for the public vote - should i dump 'er yes no. I'm asking advice of a group of experienced, sexually confident piss taking bastards so that I can find ways to resolve a delicate personal problem without hurting anyone.

Hmm, something anomalous there.
It's her you need to discuss it with, if you want blow-jobs ask her if she wants to go to a swinging club and you may get some there, and she can get rogered too if she wants, would you be able to cope with that?
Did you want this advice within a swinging context or a more 'traditional relationship' slant?
Warming the Bed
Well i hope my girlfriend is keen on me. This started off with me wanting some head. It has now got me questioning everything. I do think I am a nice person. I'm not a sex fiend. I just like to hnest and upfront about what I want. If you don't tell someone what you want how can they know.
I wish I had never started this.
Quote by hateitorloveit
I know naughty thanks. You are right. It is just nice to discuss it. Although to be honest this has left me feeling more confused and to be honest quite down on myself.

Quite ironic that really...