I got one today, he was foreign and couldn't even pronounce my name...I said im very sorry but I can't understand you so please get someone English to call me bye.
Another good one is to say can you just talk to the baby for aminute while i finish something....then leave it half and hour and say thanks ,thats great bye. lol
luv the cold callers as soon as we hear em
we just say to hold on while i get the owner then leave the phone on the table by the tv or radio, then after a few mins quickly pick up and if they still waiting tell em wont be long,,,,, after several mins they go...
or on sales calls we tell em we also sell avon, tupperware etc and request their details.
Here's a great way to deal with telemarketers!!
Recently I had a call from a young girl, who wanted to discuss my legal case with me.
I have no ongoing legal cases, but I played along, and asked her which case. She said the insurance case for my car.
I do not have a car, hence have no car insurance.
I asked her what my name is.
She said that's what she needs to clarify.
I pointed out that she is claiming to be dealing with a case, of which she knows nothing, not even the person's name. I pointed out this was silly.
Her reply:
"Shut up, you swot".
My reply:
"Are you 12?"
It was funny at the time. I kept her talking about all sorts of shit, til she put the phone down. I suspect her mum caught her running up a considerable phone bill and clouted her.
The best thing with cold calls is tho tell them you need to answer the door or turn the oven down and then just leave them to it. if everyone did the same and wasted 5 minutes of their time it gets to the point of not being financially viable to do it- and then we might get some peace :twisted: