Does anyone know if its true that cold teabags are good for taking the dark rings under your eyes away. Was told to try it but I'm not sure if the person who told me was taking the mick.
I have these disgusting looking dark rings under my eyes and they make me look as if Ive been out boozing all weekend and I really want to get rid of them.
If the teabag thing isnt true does anyone have any idea as to how to get rid of them apart from cucumber???
Vicky xx
Try cucumberslices instead Im sure there must be somekind of staining that comes from tea bags!
I remember my Aunty used to use cold tea bags as fake tan when I was a nipper ( they have tanin which helps the colour apparently) so id say theyd have the opposite effect to what you want . Id reccomend a day off , half a bottle of Vodka and the long long sleep that follows.
Its all the tea she is drinking thats keeping her awake. :shock:
You could try making the rest of your face the same colour as the rings, that way they won't show up