Brilliant !!! Highly recommended. Just had a treatment today feel absoloutely brill !!! :happy:
Came out of the clinic rarrrrrinng to go. Recommend it to anyone. Think I have lost weight as well :bounce:
:love: xxx
They can become slightly addictive, so be warned...........................
I'd like to try something like this but it's one of those thing that makes me think ooooh no.
Didn't sophie anderton on that celebrity jungle rubbish say she has these regular.
I'm sure I read somewhere that certain types of meat stay in your innards for quite some time.
now, i have actually thought about this for a couple of years. I can imagine the light as a balloon feeling afterwards is quite something.
Had my first colonic a few years ago. it was certainly a thorough clear out!
It was said that an enema only clears the rectum and lower sections of bowel, ( and that only distilled water, at body temperature should be used).
But apparently colonic hydrotherapy can clear further up the colon, and certainly gave me a good clearout!
The woman "preserved my dignity" (although I couldn't have cared less about hiding my hard-on). The machine circulated warm water up the pipe into me, and pumped it out, through a viewing chamber. This allowed the woman to observe the nature of the stuff flushed out.
After the water had flowed in, and carried out loads of 'stuff', the woman massaged my belly, and flushed me out again.
A quick 'discharge' of remaining water, (and wind!), and I started to feel quite refreshed.
For the first few weeks after, I was suddenly quite bright and was feeling great, for the first time in years.
There were no side effects, and I have been back several times since.
Well worth doing!