Our daughter who is 3 is showing signs of colour blindess,now we know its not going to cause any major problems if she is colour what id like to know is if she does have it or doesnt as the case may be,is what careers would she be unable to do???
From a conversation i had with a friend the other day, he was unable to join the RAF of the Navy (not sure if they are careers your daughter would be interested in anyway!) yet was able to join the Army!
Also i can see problems with being an electrician, yet i dont think they are any requirements against colour blindness to being one.
As for more typically "female" jobs, like carers such i dont see it being a problem at all.
Hi i am colour blind myself and strictly speaking there are no jobs that she would be discounted for although some may be difficult.
It all depends on what colours she is blind to also because it can vary from shades to full colours etc but i have actually found over time that although not actually knowing what the colour is i can actually tell what it is from past experience.
I do find it hard to play snooker though but thats cos im crap rather than colour blind i am sure.
Other jobs like dye sampling and just jobs that involve colour recognition like fashion buyers or designers of any sort involving colour would also be difficult.
Hope this helps a little although sometimes when i type its all muddled and as clear as MUD to everyone else reading it..
I doubt that she'd be able to join the forces, I do know of people who have been turned down for careers in all three because of colour blindness.
*Writes note to self* Don't get in a car with Libra-Love driving.
Why not consult a specialist for all your answers to your questions.
Hope everything turns out ok.
Dont take offence.
Reading the papers only last week it showed that the jobs most took up by males were plumbers/plasterers/builders etc, and females were mainly taking up jobs in the nurseing/teaching/caring sides of life.
I think most people would view these jobs and typically, traditionally "female" jobs.
Im not saying males cant be equally good doing these jobs, or females equally good doing alternative jobs.
Aww Clare, its hard when you see your own kids struggling with something like this. There are so many wonderful jobs out there that she can do and maybe because of her colourblindness, she will take more time and consideration looking into different careers and not just falling into one, therefore will be better off. I do understand yr concerns about her thou.
My own two children have eyesight problems too, they are albino (Type 2 ie. blue eyes not pink eyes) and a characteristic of this is Nystagmus (eyes which swing). We were told when my daughter was 8 weeks old that her eyesight was going to be so bad that she was classed as disabled and virtually blind. No wonder I ended up with post natal depression! Nearly 7 years on, shes in a mainstream school, her reading age is only a few months behind her actual age, shes a popular girl at school, has swimming lessons, and shes blonde, blue eyed and just gorgeous!
After having her, we visited a geneticist to see about the possibilities of having another albino child. We were told the odds were 1 in 4 of having another albino child. Well lightening struck twice lol and we now have two. Our son is also albino and has very slight nystagmus, but im kinda glad he is albino because he looks the same as our daughter, can u imagine having a white/blond haired daughter and a dark brown haired son?? We get comments all the time as to how gorgeous they both are and im so proud of them both.
But like you i worry about careers, as well as their freedom (because they wont be able to drive), their social life and skills, etc.
Hope this is useful (pdf)
I failed a colour blindness test once so they said i cant join the R.A.F as a 'nt want to i dont have any problems fashion desiging though,its about design and shape more than that isnt necercerrialy out.
Colour blindness usally rules out my job as an electrican, especially when site working, have frequently had to take colour tests when working on tarmac & readymix plants.
Was also a prerequist when i did the electronics exam many years ago to have perfect colour reconigition, Resistor colour codes and the like.
But I wish her good luck in whatever she decides in later life.
Thanks again for your replies its good to know you all give a be perfectly honest i recon she's gonna end up being a stunt double or something!!!! :shock:
im colour blind with greens n blues , cant choose the colour schemes for the house but hey , what man can !!!!