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Comfort is important

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When you go away - what is the one thing that you MUST have with you to feel comfortable?
I always have to have my shorts with me - to put by the bed in case the fire alarms goes off. Kit always has to have her slippers.
Things you cannot list:
Mobile Phone
White socks
Sex God
This is very boring but true - a 2 litre bottle of diet coke in case ther are no shops where I'm staying confused
Sad but true ....
Hs to be something to sort my bed head out in the morning. Bit of a wild head of locks im afraid, if I dont put anything on it I get some sort of half arsed afro affair by midday.
It has been known to scare children and small animals, not what you want when in a strange place !
Gotta be some PG Tips.
It's the taste.
Them foreigners don't know nowt about tea (except maybe the Indians and Chinese 'course)
Quote by davidd03
Them foreigners don't know nowt about tea (except maybe the Indians and Chinese 'course)
Ahhh true - nothing like the home grown english stuff. rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sex God
Music. The worst mistake ... maybe not the worst. One of my moderately bad mistakes was going to Indonesia for a week without my CD player.
A knife-and preferably some baler twine as well.
Sounds pathetic, but I just feel totally naked without my pocket knife.
House keys, portable computer, and every book I might possibly want to read (and one or two others).
Sex God
Radio - I can only sleep (and I mean ONLY) with it on in the background - depends where I am but preferably Radio 4 for the shipping forecast and the music which precedes it, or Radio 5 Live. I leave it on all night too in case of random moments of wakefulness.
Quote by Jags
I leave it on all night too in case of random moments of wakefulness.
You kept that quiet! wink
Sex God
Pants, pants and more pants.
Dawn :silly:
p.s. I'm not incontinent or have any other medical condition lol
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Pants, pants and more pants.

No Dawn, you misread it, my love. It's what you take, not what you do!! rotflmao
Quote by Dawn
Pants, pants and more pants.
I thought you were just breathing heavy Dawn! I was trying to work out if it was the baler's twine or the brussel sprouts that got you going!
Sex God
Quote by KitKat
I leave it on all night too in case of random moments of wakefulness.
You kept that quiet! wink
lol... x xx
Sex God
Bath bubbles and a good book or two. I love reading in the bath, soaking in scented water for an hour with a glass of something chilled to hand. Mmmm... bliss!
Something to read - don't care if it's GQ, the Lancashire Evening Post or (gulp) The Sun. Anything that can keep my mind ticking over (which, thinking about it, kind of rules out The Sun).
A new, recent addition of mine to this list is my iPod. How can you ever be bored with your CD collection in your pocket?
Vicks inhaler.
Tissues (as anyone who's ever relied on public toilets to provide toilet paper will testify!)
MP3 player loaded to stuffing with as much music as possible - I'm with the others on this 110%
lavender oil and tea tree oil for bath, burns and infections!
also scented candles for smelly hotel rooms!
also Sappho, I'm with you on the bath routine!
demi x
rolleyes I've just been going through the string thinking, yep, Kit takes that, and that, and that.
And I know now why her overnight bag is a two man lift! :roll:
There are certain books that ALWAYS go with me wherever I go......
and a corkscrew! I even have one that permanently resides in the glove compartment of my car. In the unlikely event that I need a spanner or a screwdriver I will call the RAC, but I am NOT going to risk being caught without a corskrew when I need one! :beer:
Sex God
I didn't think that Kate meant life-saving essentials..think that corkscrew comes into that catergory. But not a boys-pull-until-your-arms-comes-out -of-its-socket type, an easy rotate one way and then rotate the other way one.
Very simple really. I take a photo of my son
Oh yes, I take a picture of my dog too. Almost forgot. smile
Sex God
Quote by mal609
No Dawn, you misread it, my love. It's what you take, not what you do!!
Quote by KitKat
I thought you were just breathing heavy Dawn!

That comes later, when the pants are off although willing to leave them on if thats that's preferred :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Quote by roger743_27m_wmids
Oh yes, I take a picture of my dog too. Almost forgot. smile

Hmmmmmm. Not really worth a comment
Quote by Jags
I didn't think that Kate meant life-saving essentials
yeah, I was thinking about those little comfort blanket type items. But what the heck, this will save me writing a packing list for my hols, I will just print this off instead.
Warming the Bed
Being a huge fan of music,it being a huge part of my life i have to have my whole collection of cd's and 12's with me so my choice item of comfort would be my apple ipod..... :shock:
I never, ever pack a bag to go anywhere without:
a bottle of juice
baby wipes
A pen
My radio (I can never sleep in strange places)
I always forget my toothbrush though, which is why I have about 50 of them in my house which have only been used once or twice confused