As we all go about our lives, getting in and out of scrapes, rows, romances and whatever; I think we often loses track of our youthful dreams, values and qualities.
Recently I have found myself feeling more like I was at 19, and began to think how many of my original values have been compromised and how many I have retained intact.
Generally I think its in the majority, and I feel happy that I am not lost in some hellish existence.
So how do you feel now in your life? Do you think you may have lost some important values, gained some, or compromised in ways that you didn't expect?
Thanks for the replies and your thoughts.
In my case, I think I have retained some basic flight or fight values and can either stay with something (fight) or just blow it out (flight).
Some prejudices have returned as have some youthful energies.
I think a lot of this is to do with being self employed, as I did not thrive in a corporate environment. I always felt crap in those jobs.
Also I have been quite ruthless in making some decisions about how I need to live my life. Along the way I have had to compromise, but when the opportunity is right, I don't refuse myself.
So generally I don't think that I have been so corrupted or changed that I have lost my core values, but willing to accept that I have changed enough to survive.
I remember when I was much younger I really wanted to be a Writer...I wrote loads of short stories and even wrote a Synopsis for a book...but it never got finished unfortunately.
I DO think that dreams sometimes go by the wayside...but why is that? Why don't they always stay alive for us?
The one thing that has always been with me is my desire to travel....and I am currently planning a Round The World that may never come to fruition...but I can dream...