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Compromises and Values

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As we all go about our lives, getting in and out of scrapes, rows, romances and whatever; I think we often loses track of our youthful dreams, values and qualities.
Recently I have found myself feeling more like I was at 19, and began to think how many of my original values have been compromised and how many I have retained intact.
Generally I think its in the majority, and I feel happy that I am not lost in some hellish existence.
So how do you feel now in your life? Do you think you may have lost some important values, gained some, or compromised in ways that you didn't expect?
I know where your coming from Duncan... (um well not literally! redface ).
If we're talking about us as individuals and how if we feel valued then three years ago I had no self worth. I was about as bored as I could get with myself and was very unhappy. Each day was the same, get up same time, leave for work same time, put computer on same time, make a cuppa and the daily routine at work was EXACTLY the same each day. I then went home, made the tea, watched bit TV, had a shag went to sleep... day 2.
One day I realised if I was to do that for another 20 years I would be a very unhappy person. I left work (big big risk with mortgage etc.,) secured a grant and started the change in my career and moreover the change in me.
I now have a feeling of self worth back. In 2 years I have learnt more than in all my schooling days. I'm enjoying the challenge. This has had a knock on affect in my social life, my personal life - I am happier. I cannot stop events that happen with regard to my family (bit crap going down there) but on a personal inside level I'm happy in my decisions.
20 years ago I had no values I'm afraid. I just wanted to go out enjoy life, party on, maybe meet nice guy, house etc. I got that but it doesn't always make you happy, you need to look deeper more inside yourself to find happiness. I think anyway. wink
this is someething we have discussed quite a lot recently my hopes and dreams at school was to become a chef so i went got all the qualifications etc etc and then went on to have several jobs but that has taken a back burner for a few years it is not the right time for me or my family so to speak but is it still very much the dream
dek has always done the same job since leaving school and is very bored with it (hates the travelling etc) but until his ex wifes house sells we cant afford for him not to do it. when this happens he is going to try the photography business and put his money into that which is his dream
The age difference between up means he is alot more content just watching the world go by where as i still have these big dreams, they may happen they may not wink
ooohhhh tan, can I be dek's first subject?? Ive always wanted some sexy arty glamour type shots, like some peeps have on here, or the type they pose for on how to look good naked. lol
Hopes thats the sort of photography Tan was talking about and not serious stuff for newspapers or school photography :lol: redface
Quote by Bonedigger
ooohhhh tan, can I be dek's first subject?? Ive always wanted some sexy arty glamour type shots, like some peeps have on here, or the type they pose for on how to look good naked. lol
Hopes thats the sort of photography Tan was talking about and not serious stuff for newspapers or school photography :lol: redface

Yup cors ya can mrs bone im just the rough draft lol i want some done of me to im just a bit shy surprisedops: he loves taking pics of landscapes and things tho so not sure how he will fare with portraits etc but he took all the ones of me apart from the avator which was took at my mothers wedding last year
Thanks for the replies and your thoughts.
In my case, I think I have retained some basic flight or fight values and can either stay with something (fight) or just blow it out (flight).
Some prejudices have returned as have some youthful energies.
I think a lot of this is to do with being self employed, as I did not thrive in a corporate environment. I always felt crap in those jobs.
Also I have been quite ruthless in making some decisions about how I need to live my life. Along the way I have had to compromise, but when the opportunity is right, I don't refuse myself.
So generally I don't think that I have been so corrupted or changed that I have lost my core values, but willing to accept that I have changed enough to survive.
I remember when I was much younger I really wanted to be a Writer...I wrote loads of short stories and even wrote a Synopsis for a book...but it never got finished unfortunately.
I DO think that dreams sometimes go by the wayside...but why is that? Why don't they always stay alive for us?
The one thing that has always been with me is my desire to travel....and I am currently planning a Round The World that may never come to fruition...but I can dream...
Quote by DreamerHelen
I remember when I was much younger I really wanted to be a Writer...I wrote loads of short stories and even wrote a Synopsis for a book...but it never got finished unfortunately.
I DO think that dreams sometimes go by the wayside...but why is that? Why don't they always stay alive for us?
The one thing that has always been with me is my desire to travel....and I am currently planning a Round The World that may never come to fruition...but I can dream...

I always wanted to be a writer - I had the opportunity a few years ago and took it up, had a number of articles published and eventually - one novel. However, it didn't make me any more satisfied - in fact it didn't change how I felt at all.
Plim confused sad rolleyes