Hi peeps.
For about 3/4 weeks my computer has gone very slow, I have to defrag about once an hour or it's a nightmare!
I'm running norton anti virus and have never had any problems.
I'm guessing a virus has got in somehow, ive run a full norton scan and nothings been found.
Any ideas?, it's driving me mad!
hoover the fan n give it a quick spring clean..
Get f-secure? Maybe a different anti-virus software would do the trick?
have you checked if anything is running in the background hogging the CPU? right click on the task bar and open the task manager. At the bottom it should say what percentage of CPU and memory are being used.
get malwarebytes as well ... free programme
In the task manager look to see if the following are running:
the file size should be (912k)
If the above files are bigger i.e. is (5014k or above) then you have a problem.
type start>run> cmd
in the Command window type "sfc /scannow"
This should revert the two files above to their original values and hopefully fix the issue.
If your running Windows7 the process is slightly different, you'll need to run the above as an Administrator (elevated mode)
Start> in the searh box type cmd a list will appear containing "CMD" right click on CMD and select "run as Administrator" then the command window opens type sfc /scannow
I hope this helps
One more thing that could cause the symptoms is a duff or loose memory card, i.e. you could be running with less memory which will cause the processor to cache more stuff to the disk. Open Explorer, right click on My Computer, select Properties, and see if the amount of memory (RAM) is what the machine came with. If a card has dropped out it will probably show half of what you'd expect. If it does you might need to try reseating the memory cards, or replace one.
Of course, it could just be that all the updates that Microsoft put on has increased the amount of memory you need. Go to see if your machine can take any extra memory. If it can, they'll tell you what you need, and quote you a price. Armed with that you can shop around for better prices, or order it there.
Anything other than Kaspersky is just you thought about backing up and reinstalling windows?