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Computer problems need an IT specialist

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We have been having problems with our computer for a while. The hard drive has had to be replaced as the old one was corrupted (a little like us). We have lost all of our documents (and pix) but have been told that they may be able to be recovered. Our IT department at work has offered to take a look and PC World has been recommended but ........... our pix ...... at work ........ or within the public domain..........
Does anyone here know of a discreet IT whizz who may be able to help?
When you say the old one was corrupt, does it still spin, or is it broken?
It is possible to put the old HD into a PC as a slave. You can then access your file without using the old copy of windows, if you are lucky.
If you have a laptop, then you will have to put it in a USB case.
BUT is does depend on what was wrong with it in the first place.
Well you never know, your work colleagues might have the same interests!
Plim wink
If the drive still spins, corrupt or not, no matter what sort of drive the data can still be extracted easily enough for free and at home.
If the drive no longer spins at all then it has to be sent to a specialist that can take the disks out of the drive and put on a machine to be read but can cost £100's or even £1000's
Tony ;-)
In any case, get your self USB HD and make a back copy, as often as you can, and always before you travel. You never know when your dish will fail or get lost.
mmmm pics of personal nature on the hard drive, so you willing to let a techie at work look at it or (god forbid) take to PC World like Gary Glitter did ?
(bad analogy perhaps)
If it's only corrupted , and the result was window's wouldnt start up should be easy as mentioned to set it to slave and copy all the info across. A very easy procedure you could do at home.(happy to guide)
I was sent your forum post by a friend i chat with on here
I am a technician who used to work for dell so i,m dell certifield systems engineer
I do have my own website that you can look at and if you think that i can help you out then please contact me here or via my website
I have been working with desktops and laptops for over ten years and work for a company who do asset mangerment and i work there as a laptop technician .
so i,m sure i could help you out so please feel free to contact me here or at my website .
hope to speak to you soon
dean wink lol
Mods Edit: we do not allow personal websites on the forum. Please send via personal message smile
Hi ..... I could also recover your files if your struggling. Been doing it for years for folks. As long as the drive isn't dead.
Must dig out my technical corner thread also smile
Gary x
I am no use what so ever, but having just perved your profile pics, I do hope your recover you others :sad:
We have an external hard drive where we back up our pictures and anything important on a regular basis wink
Quote by Bluefish2009
I am no use what so ever, but having just perved your profile pics, I do hope you recover your others

Bloody perv
PS So do I :twisted:
Quote by Bluefish2009
I am no use what so ever, but having just perved your profile pics, I do hope your recover you others :sad:
We have an external hard drive where we back up our pictures and anything important on a regular basis wink

ah - but who backs up the backup drive??? Anything super important we always backup to a CD...
Quote by Dave__Notts
I am no use what so ever, but having just perved your profile pics, I do hope you recover your others

Bloody perv
PS So do I :twisted:
Quote by Gufuncouple
I am no use what so ever, but having just perved your profile pics, I do hope your recover you others :sad:
We have an external hard drive where we back up our pictures and anything important on a regular basis wink

ah - but who backs up the backup drive??? Anything super important we always backup to a CD...
I know, who polices the police..........
We back up to a separate internal hard-drive and one external, with the massive amount of picture I have it is not possible to back them all up to disc